The Puppeteer

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"Come on!" yelled Greg who was 14, "coming!" Jake who was 16 yelled back. The two were going to visit their grandfather in Kentucky and were excited to get there. When the boys and their parents got in the car their dad started it and started heading for Kentucky. On the way there they talked about all the cool things they could do their however Jake felt worried for some reason and though about telling his brother Greg but he decided against it. They drove for what felt like hours but then eventually got to their grandfathers house which looked to be in the middle of no where. Jake and Greg said goodbye to their parents and walked up to the front door and knocked. The old door creaked open and their grandfather appeared suddenly at the door. The brothers jumped back in surprise however soon got up and said hi. Their grand father said hi in reply in what Jake thought was an weirdly eerie way but dismissed it as a coincidence. The boys spent the rest of the day playing outside in the woods and when night approached they started to head back and that's when the nightmare started

Jake saw something out of the corner of his eye as they were walking back and suddenly told his brother Greg to speed up. Greg asked what was wrong but Jake just said run and not to stop until they got to the house. Suddenly Jake tripped on something hard and wooden and what he saw almost gave him a heart attack. From every side of the woods living wooden puppets with eerie smiles and disfigured bodies were slowly limbering towards the boys. Greg helped Jake up just in time and the two ran back to the house and slammed the door behind them. They ran up to their grandfathers room but he was gone from his bed. The brothers thought about calling 911 but just decided to lock all the doors and wait till morning. Every so often they would hear knocks on the windows and doors but no banging or sounds of glass shattering. When morning finally came they ran downstairs only to find their grandfather eating breakfast. They demanded to know where their grandfather went and he told them he just went to the grocery store but his car broke down so he spent the whole night walking to get home. Jake was suspicious and asked Greg to come to the garage after breakfast and to their surprise they found the car in the shed as good as it was the last time they found it. Suddenly Jake saw a figure at the window and screamed.

Greg jumped back and asked Jake what was wrong. Jake told Greg he though he saw a puppet that looked exactly like their grandfather but horribly disfigured. Greg told him it was probably just a tree branch banging against the window by the wind. Jake wasn't so sure though and decided to investigate more after everyone was asleep. When night approached Jake climbed out of his bed and headed out into the woods. When he started to get close to the woods he doubted if he should continue on but decided to get to the bottom of this. When he was about 10 feet into his adventure he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned around so fast Greg fell on the ground and said, ¨ouch¨. Jake was relieved and demanded to know what Greg was doing out in the woods with him. Greg said he thought Jake was acting weird and got suspicious so he followed him out into the woods. Jake decided there was no going back anyway so he allowed Greg to tag along. They walked around for what seemed like hours but found nothing and were ready to give up. After turning around and taking few steps back they heard a child's voice saying an you find me?"I'm hiding.

Jake and Greg both stopped dead in their tracks and turned around but saw nothing through the darkness. Suddenly however they spotted a low fire and started to slowly walk towards it. As they approached they heard what they thought was their grandfather's voice. Greg suddenly stepped on a leaf and the boys bolted behind a tree. When nothing happened they slowly continued to the fire. When they finally reached their destination they saw nothing so they investigated. After a few minutes of searching they saw what looked like a piece of paper with strange writing on it. Before they could pick it up they heard the distinct crunch of leaves behind them. They quickly picked up the piece of paper and hid behind a nearby rock. When they poked their heads up they saw the most unnerving thing they had seen all night. What they saw was the silhouette of their grandfather against a tree but it was much shooter and looked horribly broken and disfigured. Suddenly the silhouette turned its head and staring lumbering toward the rock the boys were hiding behind. Suddenly they heard even more noises coming from all around them. They were trapped.

Two hands shot out from behind and threw Jake two the ground and started to choke him. He called for Greg but looked over and saw that Greg too was also pinned. Jake kicked and punched but the puppets had surprising strength for wooden dolls. Just as Jake was losing consciousness he saw a rock right beside him and grabbed it. He smashed the rock over the puppet's head knocking the puppet to the ground temporarily knocking it out. He rushed over to Greg and knocked the other puppet to the ground. They both quickly got up and bolted further into the woods and started to run. They ran gasping for breath looking for anything to hide behind but saw nothing. As they were running they spotted what looked like an old abandoned house in the distance. The boys figured it was their best option and sprinted toward the house. As they got closer they swore they could hear moaning coming form the old house but thought it was just the puppets chasing them. As the boys were running Jake suddenly tripped on a branch sticking up form the ground. A puppet grabbed leg but soon fell to the ground. Jake got up and looked back and saw Greg had thrown a rock. The boys finally made it to the house and saw the puppets coming towards them.

They forced open the door and ran in. Once they were in the house they looked around but soon heard violent banging against the door. They ran to what they assumed was the basement and tried pushing against the door. The door wouldn't budge but was busted down after a few hard pushes. Just as the door was opened Puppets from left and right filled the room and started making their way toward the boys.

The boys ran down the stairs and what they saw made them gape with their mouths wide open. They saw books that filled with strange text and spells, vials filled with potions, and a lighted fire in the room. Suddenly the door leading to the basement was busted down and the puppets surged down the stairs surrounding the boys. The puppets however didn't attack the boys but instead parted.= and what they saw made them scream. It was their grandfather but as a horribly disfigured puppet with a eerie grin.

The boys were too shocked and afraid to run. The grandfather asked how they got there and demanded to know why they were sneaking around. After not responding Greg and Jake were seized by puppets and were dragged down a long hallway. Jake knew he had to do something so he turned around suddenly and head butted the puppet that was holding him. Both him and the puppet fell to the ground. Jake head was throbbing but he still got up and charged the other puppet who had Greg. The other puppet went flying back and Greg got up. They ran to the first entrance they came through but their grandfather was blocking the exit. Jake had an idea and ran past his grandfather.

Jake burst into the room with the books and inspected them. After a few minutes of investigation he found the book of spells he needed. He rushed back to where his grandfather had been. Greg was now in a headlock and being choked. He ran to him and gripped the book tightly. When his grandfather saw the book he lunged toward Jake with amazing speed and knocked him to the ground. When he landed on his arm Jake heard a snap and intense pain flowed through his body. When he got up he saw Greg holding his grandfather in a headlock. Jake, barely conscious opened the book and said the spell. When they looked Greg was no longer holding a puppet, but instead was holding their grandfather. They assessed the damage finding that Greg had a broken leg and Jake had a broken arm. Both of the boys burned the books and everything they found in the room. They then headed back to the house with their unconscious but normal grandfather. Their parents soon came and asked where their grandfather was the boys just shrugged and said he was sick and resting in bed. The parents were suspicious but convinced for now. The boys headed home soon after but the nightmare was sure to follow.

The end.

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