Chapter 11

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Veronica's POV
"Shit. It's Wilson's school."

"Who's that?"

"Caleb Wilson. I don't trust him. I'm just gonna walk you over to your seats."

We started walking to the bleachers. A boy that's the same height as me with blue hair was getting closer to us.



He stopped and grabbed my wrist.

"So this is where you ran to."

I gulped.

"Don't look at her. Don't talk to her. Keep her name outta your mouth. Get your dirty hands off her."

"Oh? I can't say "Hi." to my old neighbor?"

"No. You cannot."

My old neighbor?

"Your parents were pissed that you ran away. They fought all morning. Then the cops showed up. Tsk tsk. How's it feel no longer living in a dark room?"

I looked away. He started holding my wrist tighter.

"Get off her before I deck you!"

"Do you even know why they hated you?"

Jacob started trying to get Caleb's hand off of me.

"Your mother had an affair with some dude she met at a bar. Your father said she wouldn't leave unless they had a baby. Specifically a son. Instead of that they got you. You're just the daughter they never asked for nor wanted. You're a bloody disgrace! Do you even know who was in your room while Gerald was at work or at the bar?"

I shook my head.

"I was. Remember that one time you woke up bleeding and just thought it was that time of the month? Well. It wasn't. That was a miscarriage. Your very first one."

My heart sunk.

"Do you even know how many you even had?"

"Back off!"

"I remember every single one. In total you lost 15 babies."

I started crying.

"Shut the fuck up Wilson!"

"I-I'm going to get someone!"

I saw Lakelyn run away. Everything started coming back to me.

"Do you still have that scar on your chest?"

"What the fuck are you talking about?! Ronnie what shit is coming outta his mouth?!"

"Aw. He doesn't know? Her mother Cindy cut her chest open then stitched her back together just for the hell of it. They might be behind bars but they still want you dead. So it's actually a good thing I caught up to you. I've been waiting for so long to do this."

He took a knife out of his waistband. He pushed Jacob away then pulled me closer to him.

"You get to pick. Should I slit your throat or your wrists?"


"Actually. I have an idea. And eye for an eye."

He brought the knife up to my eye and dragged it down it. All I could literally see was red.


"Why aren't you falling yet? Fuck this. You gotta die."

Jacob went to knock the knife out of Caleb's hand but instead got stabbed in the chest.


He fell to his knees.


Caleb wiped the knife off on his arm and flipped my hand over. He started bringing the knife to my wrist.


"Wait. I wanna have fun before you die."

He dragged me behind some bleachers. He threw me down to the ground. I started fighting him.


He flipped me onto my stomach. I saw Jacob trying to army crawl over to me. I started reaching for him.


He started moving slower. After Caleb was done he put his pants back on then put mine back on. Then he flipped my left wrist over. He dragged the knife straight down. I screamed bloody murder. He got up and ran away.

Get up!

Get to Jacob!

I got on my hands and knees and started crawling.

Come on!

When I got to him, I started shaking him.

"Stay with me!"

He's starting to turn pale!


Everything started getting hazy for me. I laid down next to him and interlocked our fingers on our right hands.

"I-I tried to get to you."

"I know. I know. It's okay. You're gonna be okay. We're gonna be okay."

"I love you Veronica..."

"NO! NO!"

I screamed again. Then I woke up in the hospital.

"JACOB!" I screamed as I sat up.

I looked around and saw I was in another hospital room. I looked at my wrists and saw it wasn't a real bad dream. All I could see out of my right eye was white. Lakelyn ran into my room.

"Oh my god you're alive!"

"Where is he?!"

"In surgery."

"I'm so sorry!"


She walked over to me and hugged me.

"I didn't mean for any of this to happen!"

I started crying but tears only came out of my left eye.

"It's okay."

"Your parents must hate me now!"

"No they don't. Everyone said the same thing. You guys did nothing to provoke anything."

"This is all my fault!"

"No it's not. If it makes you feel better Caleb's dead. The cops killed him."

"Where's my aunt?"

"In the waiting room. She figured you'd ask about Jacob so she told me to be with you."

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