Chapter 32

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Jacob's POV
"Why would you want to keep it?"

"You never know when, you'll need a shark tooth."

"Why is that your logic?"

I heard someone else walk into the room. I looked up and saw my mom.

"Oh thank god you're awake."

I sat up. She walked over to me and hugged me.

"How was your date?"

"Why'd you tell him?"

"What? I wanted him to know why, you were hours away."

"It was...okay."

I laid back down. Veronica figured out how to put the bed in a sitting position. I looked at my body and noticed I was wrapped in gauze and bandages. Veronica sat next to me. She wrapped one of my arms around her. Lakelyn sat down in front of me. My mom sat in a chair next to the bed.

I started paying attention to the news. Even when I was home.

"Baby why are you obsessing over this?

"I wanna know if, they get them."

"I'm sure...someone'll call and tell us when, they got him. Love please put your phone down."

I sighed. I handed her my phone.

"Fine. You win."

"Thank you."

She took my phone and put it on the nightstand on her side of the bed.

"Okay. Let's watch a movie. You can pick."

"Ronnie...if you tell me that...I'm gonna wanna watch a horror movie. You hate horror movies."

"Maybe you could get me to like one that I might like?"

"Love that's gonna be hard."

"So? Just pick one."

"Alright. Alright. Let me know if, you get too scared. I'll put something else on."

I found a horror movie to watch.

"Last chance. We can watch one of your damn rom com things if you want."

"Awww you'd torment yourself for me?"

I looked down at her.

"Veronica...I'm being nice here."

"Relax. Jesus I'm just messing with you."

"Oh. My bad."

"I'll go make some popcorn."

"Wait I'm coming too. I've been in bed all day."

I stood up but I fell back onto the bed. Veronica ran up to me.

"You shouldn't push yourself. Your body needs a lot of rest."

"V please...I-I hate being on bed rest. I feel bad you have to do things for me. You should be resting too. I don't want you to get overwhelmed and upset the baby."

"You're adorable and it's fine. Don't worry. You helped me when I was recovering. Now it's time I help you."

"Oh uhhh. I've had this on my mind for a while now but...I'm sorry for being a dick to you a few months ago."

She cupped my face.

"It's okay. I'm sorry for the shit I said too."

She helped me stand up. I stumbled over to the wall so, I could use it to support me.

"Jake you're going to overdue it."

I got to the stairs and slowly walked down them.

Don't fall.

Please don't fall.

I had to stop since my side started hurting.

"See? I told you."

"Just...give me a sec. I-I'm fine."

"Jacob...please don't lie to me."

"Damnit. Okay. I'm not fine. I just...want to do things on my own."

"Look at me."

I turned my head so, I'd face her.

"You can't push yourself."

"And you can't do everything for me."

"True. Don't be a wise ass right now."

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