Chapter 37

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                                Veronica's POV
I walked over to his desk. I sat down in the chair. I picked up the pencil. I opened his notebook to a blank page. I wrote a note. I left the note on his desk. I picked up River and walked out of Jacob's house. I shut the door then locked it. I cried on the way to my aunt's. When I got to her house, she was sitting outside. I took River out of the car and ran up to my aunt. I told her everything.

                                  Jacob's POV
I woke up with one of my hands, restrained to a bed. I looked around and saw my sister.


She looked at me and ran up to me.

"Good, you're alive!"


"I read your note."

"Okay and?"

"Why didn't you say anything?"

"I didn't want anyone to worry. I thought...I could handle it on my own. Then...she left. She did as she said she would. She left and never came back. I'll never meet my daughter."

"Jacob...she came back. She had a baby with her."

"Sh-she did?"

"Yeah. Who do you think, found you?"


"No. Veronica did. I went back to your house and found a note."

She opened it then handed it to me.


I'm sorry for everything. This isn't your fault. It's mine. It always has been. I left when, I should've stayed. After our daughter was born, I started to regret everything. I robbed you of seeing her be born. I robbed you of being with her for the first month of her life. I'll always regret that. You're not the one that keeps messing up, I do. I keep leaving you when, you need me the most. I've been telling her about you. I've been doing that since day one, I'm scared to lose you too. I have my own demons, I've been struggling to fight. I'm not sure if, your sister will ever let me near you ever again. You deserve to be in River's  life. If I have to, I'll give you full custody. I'll be out of your life. Maybe...I'm not good enough for you. If you need me, I'll be at my aunt's.

                                           I love you too,
I handed the note back to Lakelyn.

"Do you want to see her?"

I shook my head.

"I'm not ready."

"Do you think, you'll ever be ready?"

I shrugged.

"I-I don't know anymore. I assume, I'm being baker acted?"

"Yeah. It-it's what's best for you."

"I'm not mad. I understand. Maybe...I'll get the help, I need."

My sister was told to leave then, I was put in a unit. I met with a psychiatrist. She went through all of the medication, I'm already on. She changed only one of them. I decided to be in group. I called my mom and sister everyday. When I was allowed to go home, Lakelyn picked me up.

"I'm not comfortable leaving you all by yourself. I'm staying with you, until I can trust you."

"That's fine. I don't want to be alone. I never do."

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