Chapter 36

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Veronica's POV
"Alright River. Ready to meet your dad?"

When I got to Jacob's house, I knocked. I stood there for a while and waited.

Did he change the locks?

My key ended up working still. I unlocked the door and walked in.

"Jacob? Where are you?"

I started walking around the house. I went into his room. I found him at his desk. I walked up to him.


I saw three notes. One was for his family. One was for me. One was for River. I put her down and started shaking Jacob.

"Jacob?! What's wrong?!"

I lifted his head up.

Oh no!

He's starting to turn blue!

I called for help. I kept shaking him.

"Jacob?! Wake up! I'm sorry!"

I made a mistake and called Lakelyn. She ran into the room.

"Jake please wake up!"

"Veronica what did you do now?!"

"Nothing! I-I came to see him! I-I think...he overdosed!"

Her jaw dropped and her eyes widened.


She ran up to us.


Lakelyn didn't let me go to the hospital.

"If he wants you, I'll fucking tell you."

She picked up the note for her. I picked up the ones meant for me and River. I opened the one for River first.

"To my daughter,

I'm sorry, I'll never meet you. I'm sorry, I messed up with your mother. I saw your picture. You look just like me. I'm sure, she'll raise you right. I need you to be nice to her. She's been though enough. I don't know you but, I love you. I wish, I could at least see you and hold you once. I apologize for leaving.
I'll be watching over you
~ Your dad, Jacob."

I put River's note down. Then I opened mine.


I should've told you sooner. I was pretending to be okay so, you wouldn't worry. I know, you said me being depressed isn't good for you health so, I bottled it up. I'm sorry for everything. I was holding on for you. I'm not blaming you. I'm blaming me. This is all my fault. I'm sorry. I should've told you every goddamn thing. I know, we promised no more secrets but...this one...I felt I had to keep. I never meant to hurt you. That was never my intention. I didn't want to lose you again. I was scared to be true to myself, while I was with you. You don't know this but, when you were sleeping, I'd cry. I wanted to tell you. I knew I NEEDED to talk to you. I knew I NEEDED help. I'm sorry for being a burden to you. I'm sorry for every hurtful thing I said. I'm sorry for shouting at you. I'm sorry for everything. You have full permission to hate me. You have every right to bash me. I deserve it all. It's okay to hate me. I hate me too. I'm sorry if you're the one who found me. You don't have to tell my daughter about me. It's okay. I'm sorry.

I love you
~ Jacob"

I broke down. I kept reading the notes.

I should've stayed!

Why did I leave him?!

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