Chapter 25

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Veronica's POV
"Got it?"

"Yes sir."

"Aww how cute! You called me "Sir"!"

He put a chain around my ankle.

"Just in case you try to do something funny. Go do my laundry while I'm gone. Oh before I forget. Where's your phone?"

"I-I lost it. I-I must've left it at his house."

"Great. I know how to call him now."

My eyes widened.

"Huh?! Y-you're gonna call him?!"

"Yeah. I might as well tell him, you didn't ghost him."

My eyes started getting watery. I stood up and went to get his laundry. I grabbed the hamper and brought it to the laundry room. I started crying while doing his laundry. I was in the laundry room for what felt like forever after that, he made me clean his room. I stopped a few times to throw up. After a while, I heard his voice.


I gulped. I looked over my shoulder. He was walking up to me.

"Damn. You're a great slave."

A tear slid down my face. I quickly wiped it away.

"I got you a bed. I don't give a shit if, it's uncomfortable or not. Be lucky it's something. If you continue to be good, you'll get more shit."

He slammed his hand down on his dresser. It made me jump.



He started sniffing my hair. I shut my eyes and started shaking.

"You smell like shit. Go shower."

He spun me around and shoved things into my arms.

"Leave the door open. I want to watch you suffer."

"O-okay. C-can you take the chain off?"

"No. You might run. I can't risk that now."

I walked to the bathroom. I turned the water on.

"Don't let it heat up."

I walked into the shower. I sat down in the corner. I started rubbing my stomach. Dax walked into the shower and sat down.

"What's that punk got that I don't?"

"H-he puts everyone else's needs before his. He knows how to calm me down."


"No! I-I didn't mean it like that! P-please don't hurt me! I-I just meant that...he can do it too!"

He walked over to me and turned the water off.

"Your shower's done. Get dressed."

"I-I didn't wash my hair. I-I probably smell bad still."

"Oh well. You fucked up."

I stood up and walked out of the shower. He handed me clothes.

"Get dressed then go make dinner."


I got dressed then went to the kitchen.

"I-is there a-anything you want?"

"I don't give a shit. Make sure it tastes good."

"Y-yes s-sir."

I looked in the fridge and saw a pack of raw hamburgers.

"A-are burgers okay?"

"No. That means, you have to use the grill. You're not allowed to leave this house."

"I-I'm sorry."

I looked in a cabinet and found a box of pasta.

"I-is spaghetti okay?"

"I guess so."

I put water in a pot and waited for it to boil. I sat down in a chair.

"Who said, you could sit?"

I stood up. He slapped me.

"I-I apologize."

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