Chapter 31

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Jacob's POV
"Someone did this to you? You're sure? You didn't fall off a boat?"

"I-I didn't. I-I don't like being o-on boats."

The EMT used the phone and called a hospital.

"We'll be there in about 14 minutes. I need police there."

They put the phone down.

"Is there anyone, we can call for you?"

"V-Veronica B-Barnes. S-she's my g-girlfriend. L-Lakelyn Winters i-is my sister."

My eyes shut. When I opened them, I was in an individual room in the ER. I heard two people running.


I saw Veronica and Lakelyn running into the room. I held my hands out. Then ran up to me and started holding one of my hands. Veronica ran her fingers through my hair.

"You're gonna be okay."

I let go of Veronica's hand. I put it on her stomach.

"H-hey l-little one."

Veronica cupped my face and made me look at her.

"You're gonna be okay."

She kissed me. She climbed onto the bed and laid next to me. She wrapped my arm around her. I started rubbing her back. I looked at my sister.

"I called mom. S-she's on her way. Y-you're okay.
Y-you're gonna be okay. Alright big brother?" She said as her voice cracked.

I wiped away a tear. I put my hand on her the back of her head. I pulled her closer to me and pressed our foreheads together. I just laid there and let her cry. I heard Veronica sniffle.

"I-I love you two."

"I love you too."

"I love you too ."

A police officer ran into the room. I had to go through what happened. Veronica said what she saw. After that, I was brought to an operating room. I heard everything that was going on. I heard myself flatline. I felt electricity going through my body.

"We got him back."

"Doctor the family would like to know, how long this will be."

"Tell them, "I'm not sure.""

"Yes doctor."

A while later, I heard more talking.

"Tell the family, "I think, we're almost done." I'm just suturing him up."

I heard wheels moving.

Is it over?

I heard the wheels stop. I heard someone talking to Veronica and Lakelyn.

"He's not outta the woods yet. It's going to be a long recovery. He needs lots of rest. He can't lift anything heavy for a while. We'll keep him here, as long as we think, he should be here."

"W-when do you think, that'll be?"

"A few weeks possibly. If not, a month."

I heard someone running.

"Ronnie come back!"

Veronica pressed our foreheads together and grabbed my hand. She started crying. I opened my eyes.



She cupped my face.

"I love you. I love you."

"I-I love you t-too. D-did they get him?"

She shook her head.

"No baby. Not yet. I'm sorry."

I tilted my head up and bit and kissed her.

"Lake! He's up!"

"Shhh. Baby please don't shout."

"O-oh no. I-I'm sorry."

I heard more running and looked to my right. I saw Lakelyn running up to me.


"Hi. D-don't shout."

"Fuck. I'm sorry. Mom's on her way. She's a few hours away. She travelled for a date."

"Mom has a date?"


"Damn. I thought, she'd never go on one."

"Me too."

"How do you feel? How much pain are you in?"

"I'm okay, I guess."

"Dare I ask."

"Oh no. Don't fucking doing it Veronica."

"They found a tooth in you. Can I keep it?"

My eyes widened.

"You are fucking weird."

"I told her to not do this."

"Why did you think...she'd listen?"

Lakelyn shrugged.

"Soooo can I?"

"What the fuck are you gonna do with a shark tooth? Use it as a knife?"

"Don't give me any ideas."

I started staring at her.

"So can I keep it?"

I pinched my nose bridge.

"I can't with you..."

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