Bonding [Delaware And Hawaiʻi]

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A Collab with WeirdestArrow, who is one of the most amazing authors I have ever met. 

Delaware was looking for something. Or more accurately, someone. He wanted to talk to Hawaii, as she was still acting strange around him and his siblings. So here he was, looking for one small former island nation in a house of fucking insanity.

As that thought crosses his mind, Florida comes flying down the steps, followed by Puerto Rico as the reunited brothers once again stirred something up for their own amusement.

As always, wherever Florida went, pure chaos was sure to follow.

Delaware sighed. He didn't have time for this. But maybe Puerto Rico knew where she was, considering as she had tended to hang around by the territories. It was worth a shot.

"¡Puerto Rico!" Delaware called, causing the Spanish island to turn towards him.

"¿Sí? What is it?" He asked.

"Have you seen Hawaii?" Delaware asked, walking towards him. Puerto Rico nodded.

"Hawaii is outside, in the garden. I think it reminds her of her land. She really likes it there." Puerto Rico answered. Delaware nodded and gave Puerto Rico his thanks before walking towards the gardens.

Just as he had promised, there was Hawaii, sitting alone in the garden. She had her eyes closed, and the wind blowing in her hair. She looked so peaceful, like she was in her natural habitat.

"Hey, Hawaii!" Delaware called, snapping her out of the trance she seemed to be in. She sighed, rolling her eyes as she stood up to face him.

"Hello... Delaware? Yes, you must be Delaware. You actually have an original flag." She said, her arms folded.

"Seal technically. Haven't gotten around to getting a flag quite yet." Delaware said as he walked closer to Hawaii, who didn't seem to want to let him near her, as she wouldn't let him get too close.

"Because America won't let you?" Hawaii asked, hostility in her tone. Delaware smiled and laughed.

"Nope! Don't feel like it. Designing flags is hard, and I like my seal. Maybe I should put it on a future flag...." Delaware said, trailing off, before he realized what he was doing and got back on task, "Not what I'm here for."

"Then what are you here for?" Hawaii asked, crossing her arms.

"I wanted to see how you were doing." Delaware responded.

"Did America send you?" Hawaii said, her voice still dripping with hostility. "Don't worry, I'm not doing anything wrong. I don't need a babysitter."

Delaware stopped, tilting his head to the side. "Why would you say that?"

"Oh, no reason." Hawaii said, rolling her eyes. "So, you just came to check on me out of the 'goodness of your heart'? How sweet."

Delaware sighed. "Hawaii, contrary to what you think, the people here do actually care. I am visiting you out of the goodness of my heart. You've just isolated yourself since coming here."

"Because I don't want to be here! I shouldn't be here! I should be back in my country, I should still be a country. But I'm not. I'm just your father's precious colony." Hawaii snapped back. Delaware stared at her for a minute, before he began speaking slowly.

"I won't deny you are wrong, but I will say what's done is done, and it doesn't look like it will be down anytime soon. Isolate yourself all you want, but you aren't just going to be able to leave tomorrow. While you are here, at least try and make a friend!"

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