Lau's Birthday

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Kalaupapa nervously stood in front of his mother. She said in her last letter she had a big surprise for him. That was always nice. Will she remember it's my birthday? Should I tell- It doesn't matter. I should just be happy to see her.

"Hi." Kalaupapa said, standing awkwardly to the side. "Um... how are you doing?"

"I am fine. I know you expected only me, but I had a couple of people who really wanted to meet you." Hawaii said softly. "Is that okay?"

Kalaupapa stiffened a little, before nervously rubbing his neck. "That's... that's alright. Who would wanna..."

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY LAULAU!" a girl shouted, as she took Kalaupapa into a big hug, followed by another boy and a girl. The hug caused them all to fall to the ground, laughing.

Kalaupapa seemed to be in shock, before a smile crept on his face and he started to cry tears of joy. "H-hello everybody. Who... You all came to..."

Kalaupapa looked at Hawaii, who also seemed to be crying as well.

"Lau, this is your older sister, Siki," Hawaii nodded to the eldest (but shortest) girl, who grinned, "And this is Am Sam and Guam. I've told you about all of them."

Sikaiana stood back up awkwardly, seeming the quietest out of the three. Kalaupapa thought back to what his mom said about what Siki had been through. I gotta make sure she's okay later. Wow. My older sister!

Siki took a deep breath, before smiling, and then seemingly looking Lau over.

"Why are you taller than me? Mom, this is not fair. Why does my little brother have to be taller than me?" Sikaiana said, looking up at Kalaupapa. "And he gets wings too? Mother, the universe truly has forsaken me."

She's so small. I could pick her up, Kalaupapa thought to himself, before shaking it off. She's an atoll, stupid. Of course she's smaller than you.

"Do you have fire powers too?" American Samoa asked, his eyes wide with excitement. "Tina does."

Kalaupapa smiled a tiny bit, looking at his hands. I don't want to hurt anybody. But a little fire would be okay, right?

He lit his first finger on fire, watching the flames carefully. He glanced up to see his siblings watching with a sort of awe. It was nice.

"WHAT? WHY DOES HE GET FIRE?" Sikaiana said, startling Kalaupapa a bit, causing him to put it out. "Sorry Lau. But... I could have gotten fire?"

"Siki, I told you... This... fire is a side effect of the overthrow." Hawaii said, her voice showing an anger and bitterness that Kalaupapa rarely saw in her.

"I think it's pretty." Guam said softly, and Hawaii smiled. "Lau, got anything else cool that you can do?"

"Yeah, can you fly?"

"Um... no..." he said, rubbing his neck.

"I can show you!" American Samoa said, flexing his own wings. "I got mine a couple of years ago!"

"No... no thank you." Kalaupapa said nervously. "I... I don't really want to learn how to fly."

"So you're like Mom?" Sikaiana jumped in. "She doesn't like to fly."

"I guess-"

"So what do you like?" Guam interrupted, before covering her mouth. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to."

"It's okay. I like..." Kalaupapa drew a blank, standing still and trying to think. Do I have anything cool? I don't want to disappoint my siblings...

"You don't have to do anything you don't want to." Hawaii said softly, putting a hand on his shoulder. "I think we all are a little excited."

But they won't like me if I'm boring. He looked at his feet, shyly moving a rock with his toe. "I have something you guys might like. Maybe. If you don't like it, that's okay..."

Sikaiana took Kalaupapa by the arm, smiling softly. "Lead the way, little brother who happens to be taller than me."

Lau laughed, surprising himself by the sound of his own voice. He walked to the mango tree, his mango tree, and pointed to the ground. "I just have to get my friends."

Hawaii smiled, sitting with the three, as Lau pulled out several small dolls, made of leaves and sticks and twine.

"You've gotten great at it, Lau." Hawaii smiled, as he placed them in a row. They really had improved, with little button faces and noses, and all different colored leaves for clothing.

"Thanks, Mom." Lau said, finally putting the finishing touches down. Then, he cleared his throat, before smiling. "Who here has heard the tale of the Golden Dragon?"

"Not me..." Guam said, tilting her head.

"That's because I made it up!" Kalaupapa said, grinning widely, before launching into a tale with a hero and a villain, or was he the villain after all?

It was entertaining, and the day passed quickly, until rain began to pitter patter on them.

Kalaupapa showed them where he lived, and they all huddled around to get out of the rain.

After gaining shelter, Hawaii sat in the middle of the room, as her kids sat around her, relishing the warmth.

The whole room felt warm and bright and real. There was Sikaiana who, even though she was much smaller, had her arms wrapped protectively around Am Sam and Guam. She smiled at Lau, and motioned for him to come join the embrace.

Is this what a family is like? Is this what love is like? If it was, then Kalaupapa never wanted it to stop.

He felt his siblings fall asleep beside him, and he tried to stay up. Tried to keep this day going forever and ever. But soon he found he could no longer hide his tiredness, and reached for his mom, who smiled and picked him up and rocked him.

"Laulau, you can be so cute, you know that? My little leaf." Hawaii whispered, as she hugged him close to her. "I want to hug you forever and never let you go."

"Mom?" Kalaupapa looked up at Hawaii, his eyes full of joy. "Thank you. This was my favorite birthday ever."

Hawaii gave him a kiss on the forehead, smiling. "Hopefully, we spend many more together."

Kalaupapa smiled, burying his face in his mother's chest. I hope so.

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