The Beloved and The Bastard

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A/N: All credit for the lovely May, as well as this entire scene, is to be directed to my lovely friend NewLostIslands. She also wrote a part of this, and is the reason May exists in the first place.

Mā never cried before. She never broke before. She had always smiled, she had always had her chin up, always counting her blessings. She always wanted May by her side, always wanted to play games and read and sew with her daughter.

Until. The incident.

May couldn't even say what the incident was. It was too painful to even think of.

It was only last month he was here.

Just last week, his funeral.

Just yesterday, Mā had said they were to move in with their Nainai. That it was for the best this way. That Chinatown was where folks like them belonged. She wanted May near her at all times. It was suffocating.

So, that's why today was so important.

Mā wanted her to stay home. She wanted May to be there with her, to comfort her, to help her look after little Paulino.

Sometimes, May would wonder what would happen if that day never happened.

"Hey, Paulino, tell Mā I'll just be down by the beach, alright? Love you and her."

"May... what's going on? Where's Papai? Why is Mā so sad?" Paulino kept asking questions that couldn't be answered. Not at this moment.

"It's alright Paulino. We're Silvas. We will pull through anything, alright?" May said, smiling sadly. "Just... make sure Mā knows where I'm going to be."

She and her childhood friend, Jonathan Brown, had gone to sit together on the beach that was close to her home, sitting and reflecting on life. It was going to be a goodbye to one of her... well, not closest, but pretty close friends.

May tried not to think about what she was supposed to do, after something like this happened. Why did it have to be so sudden? Why did it have to hurt so much?

"I'm sorry, May. I really am." Johnny said, sighing. "I wish I could do so much more."

"It's enough." May said quietly, before looking down at her feet. "I wonder what's going to happen now. I don't think your Pa's going to want you to go to Chinatown to visit me or anything. And you live too far away for me to go either."

Johnny seemed slightly disturbed by that, and poked the sand with his stick, deep in thought. "So... This means I'm never going to see you again?"

"Johnny, you're my friend. Since childhood. I promise I'll write, alright?" May said, trying to smile. "We can be pen pals."

"What are you going to do in Chinatown, anyways?"

"Probably help my mother with the business. Maybe make a little extra watching children or something." May shrugged. "You know, try to support my family as much as possible."

"You shouldn't have to be the one to support your family." Johnny said, his face furrowed in anger. "You should be allowed to do things. Be a sixteen year old, for God's sake!"

"It's fine. Papa's... he's not here any longer." May clenched her fists. "And I am his eldest. It's my duty to help however I can. Do you think Paulino is going to be able to work? Do you think he's going to bring home money and take care of my Mā? Johnny, it's different."

"Sorry." Johnny sighed. "Let's talk about something different, alright? How about beyond that. What do you want to do eventually?"

May stared blankly. "Probably... open some sort of business. One that makes enough money to take care of Mā for the rest of her life. Oh, and maybe really, really far down the road, have a family."

"I wanted to tell you earlier, but I got a job. In the Palace."

"Oh, a job in the palace sounds wonderful." May smiled a little. "Seeing the Queen in all her glory sounds like it would be amazing."

"It pays well." Johnny said. He looked down at his shoes, and sighed. "May, What if I... helped you with your Ma? Pop doesn't know about how much money I make. He wouldn't know if I sent money with my letters."

May smiled. "That's very sweet of you, but, no, I can't take that from you. It's your money. You keep it, alright?"

The silence was still and quiet and cool. May looked up at the vaguest trace of the moon in the daytime. She closed her eyes, relishing how wonderful and quiet and peaceful it was. Maybe everything wasn't okay. But she could pretend for now.

May was dimly aware of his hand brushing her hair back, an arm around her shoulders. It hurt too much inside and she was too tired to care. Numb waves seemed to be washing over her every other second, trying to smooth the jabbing hurt that seemed to be coming from everything.

What was happening wasn't registering. It was a numb feeling. It was hazy, not quite in focus.

His hand paused, resting on her face, something touched the top of her head- soft and gentle reminding her of her parents tucking her into bed when she was little. A little kiss on the forehead. Saying goodnight.

Confused and still feeling dazed, she tried to push back and look at her friend, to ask him a question, But the hand had moved to the side of her jaw after she'd tried moving, much firmer this time. Her eyes opened to see his blue eyes staring directly at her, with only a split second to think

Then he pressed his lips into hers.

Immediately electric shock snapped May out of whatever daze she'd been in. A scream rose in her throat and she instinctively punched him in the chest. Barely thinking.

It moved so fast, but in the end Johnny was lying on his back, clutching his stomach. And May was standing up, three steps away from the boy. For a second, she almost felt bad. Almost.

May touched her lips, before clenching her fist and turning away from Johnny. She knew he had a little infatuation for her, but never... this.

"I thought-"

"I don't care what you thought! I can't believe you!" May said, her expression getting angrier and angrier. "Leave me alone!"

Then, she started storming away.

"May!" Johnny called after her, but she kept walking, until she was sure she was out of sight. Then, she started running. She kept running, until she found herself at her door.

It took that long to realise how hard she was crying.

May sat at the door, and put her face in her hands. First her Papai dies, now this? What else could go wrong? What else could be thrown at her?

She picked a dandelion that grew on the porch, and blew it.

Sure, it was a weed that would probably spread all over the yard, but who cared?

It wasn't like she was going to be living here for long anyway.

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