A Certain Type of Fiction

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A/N: Soooooo I may have a small hyperfixation involving a newer character (Alab) and  lesbian pulp fiction, which was really big in the 1950's-1960's. Alab will only be mentioned a little bit, but nonetheless, please accept this because it won't appear until like 10-15 years later (As of 1944, which is where we are in Born Of Fire <3)

Reading was a great time consumer, and Hawaii had just got another one of the many pulp fiction ones she had taken a liking to in the past month or so. Mostly because of Alab being petty and getting every one he saw after she admitted to liking the first one.

So she sat on the bed, reading.

Until she heard footsteps. Someone was coming down the hallway, and Hawaii went into a panic, putting the book under her pillow.

"Wai, do you know where the-" Texas was standing in the bedroom door, staring at the dresser.

"Hi Tex, what do you need? Hello? Anyone home?" Hawaii's eyes widened when she saw where he was staring. Another one of those books, lying near the mirror on the dresser. One she hadn't had a chance to read yet.

She prayed to every God she could that it would be one that had a decent looking cover. None of the pleas were answered, and this particular one seemed to have some rather... suggestive poses. Just great.

"What's that?"

"Get out of my room. Now." She said, standing up to push him out. "Ever heard of knocking? What if I had been changing or something!"

"Your door was wide open, idiot!"

"I don't care!"

"Fuck off!"

"Wai, I came in here to ask you a question, but now I have even more!" Texas said, before nudging the box of books she kept under the bed, which was now out in plain sight with the toe of his shoe. "What the hell is all of this?"

"It's none of your business." Hawaii said, trying to keep calm and not just straight up strangling him for entering without permission. "Tell anyone what you saw and your entire room is toast."

"And how are you going to explain that, Hawaii?" Texas asked, a grin starting to form on his face, as he picked up the book and pretended to look through it. "Do you figure you'll just play it off as I said something you didn't like again?"

She kept trying to keep her face calm while her insides were screaming at her that she was so stupid to leave that book on the dresser, that she hadn't burned or trashed the older books like you were supposed to. Or keep it at Alab's place or your own... Stupid stupid stupid!

"They'll write it off as normal. Considering all the stupid shit you say, no one will even bat an eye if I burned your entire room down." Hawaii said. "Put down the book, and we don't speak of this, and I'll spare it. You don't say shit."

Texas didn't waver. "I could tell everybody about this. They all could know you read lesbian books."

"I'm surprised your vocabulary allows you to even begin to grasp what lesbian fiction is." Hawaii said, snatching away the book and tucking it under her arm. "Why don't you go torment someone else. Go shoot something or whatever the hell you do with your time."

"Aw, looks like Wai's embarrassed about her lesbian books."

Hawaii folded her arms, standing her ground as she kept her voice calm. "It's for science. They show the way the brain works in... those people. Nothing more."

"I think you enjoy them." Texas sing-songed, seemingly enjoying Hawaii's reactions to it.

"I enjoy them like I enjoy a normal romance novel! And plenty of the others read those!" Hawaii said, trying to keep her face from glowing bright red. "You don't tease them for that!"

"They don't read ones with covers like this." Texas said, his smirk seeming only to get wider. "So that's why you lock everyone out at night."

"Haha, funny." Hawaii said, deadpanned. "Unfortunately for you, these are all from my... my friend. These ones all end in tragedy anyway. As in they either all die or turn insane. No one really gets a happy ending."

"Why would they?" He asked. "Wouldn't exactly be very realistic. Just like good things come to good people, the wicked get their own reward."

"I know how it works. But maybe it would be nice to see them have a happy ending... maybe they go on to live together like normal people. Instead of being on the outside, looking in." Hawaii said quietly, then shut her mouth quickly. "Just from a story perspective."

The quiet was suddenly very awkward, as Hawaii tried to read Texas's face. All of it had been fun and games to him until this point, and now his face seemed almost worried for her, and it pissed her off to no end.

"Are you homosexual?" Texas asked quietly, his voice suddenly not joking anymore. "You aren't, right? You're many things, but you aren't one of those people, right? We're different in many ways, but I know almost certainly you wouldn't do something that... sinful, right?"

"Of course I'm not! I'm in a relationship with someone right now, stupid!" Hawaii said, her face turning bright red. "If I like to read murder-mysteries, does that mean I'm a murderer?"

"I suppose not, but you also wouldn't sympathize with the killer." Texas pointed out, and Hawaii rolled her eyes.

"I would think being a lesbian is a lesser sin than being a killer." Hawaii said, irritation prevalent. "And I'm neither. But don't you dare tell anyone about the books."

"Alright, Wai. You get what you want. Just know that you owe me now." Texas said, to which Hawaii threw a pillow at his face.

Perfect shot.

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