A Boring Day

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A request from dhsakxncb, our favourite Alaskan Commentor.

It was ingenious, really, such a simple, yet effective prank. You simply tape a newspaper filled with fake plastic bugs to the top of the door and right above it, and when the door opens, the newspaper will rip, sending fake bugs on the victims.

It was perfect, carefully thought out to the last detail. Nothing could go wrong with it at all.

There was only one teeny little baby problem. Nothing to worry about, really, just a teensy little wrench in the works.

In order to pull this off, you actually had to be able to reach that high.

Hawaii sighed at that fact, slightly annoyed. "Laska, get over here and help me."

"You have wings for a reason."

"That are going to wake everyone up. Besides, You're tall enough and that's just cruel to make me have to get a stool or something." Hawaii said, folding her arms. "Why do I ask for help at all?"

"I don't know. Just know you owe me." Alaska said, laughing softly.

"Owe you for what?"

"For waking me up this early to help you." He replied,rolling his eyes "Here, more tape."

"We both know you weren't sleeping." Hawaii argued,pulled a bit more tape out of the dispenser. "And you love me too much to say no."


"Aue, Alaska. You really know how to make my self confidence drop."

"Oh, stop being a baby."

"I am not being a baby. I am just hurt my dearest brother is such a buzzkill." Hawaii lamented.

"Shut up, you're going to wake someone up." Alaska answered, and Hawaii grinned.

"Now we just got to wait.

Hawaii and Alaska sat in the living room, sipping on coffee, when the first victim's scream was heard. Then another. And another. And another.

"How long do you think it's gonna take before they suspect it's us?" Alaska asked.

"A while. We usually don't do shit to them." Hawaii grinned. "Which makes this all the better. It's not April Fool's day, nothing. Just a normal, boring day."

It was about to get less boring, because at that moment, they heard an unholy screech come from the general direction of Texas' room."



"Juro por Dios que si este eres tú, te patearé el trasero de regreso a México!" (I swear to god if this is you, I will kick your ass back to Mexico!)

"Perfect. State rivalries and bias' will just cover for us perfectly." Hawaii grinned. "And I made sure to put it over our doors too, so less suspicion."

"You scare me sometimes, Wai."

"I know."

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