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A/N: For WeirdestArrow, who inspired me to write this oneshot based on the Siete Leyes, which changed the Mexican states' status. AKA, Mexico's 21 children died on the same day.

"¿Mami? ¿Qué está pasando?" (Mom? What's going on?) Guanajuato asked me, his eyes full of fear as he and his siblings followed me into the room where we were told to go for this. It was time for the constitution to be changed, and with it... I didn't want to think about it. I had a little time, right? There was no telling what it would do.

I kneeled down, trying to keep a smile for him. Maybe it wouldn't hurt them. Maybe it would be okay. "Nada. Date prisa, reúnete con tus hermanos." (Nothing. Hurry along, join your siblings.)

I counted each of them, and gave them a kiss on their foreheads. My pollitos, all in a row. They all wore their best clothing today, unaware of what was going to happen. I didn't know exactly. But I needed to hope for the best.

I felt a tug at my skirts, and I looked down to see Sinaloa tugging on them. She pointed to her chest. "Mamá, me duele aquí mismo. ¿Por qué me duele?" (Mama, it hurts right here, why does it hurt?)

"Shhh, mi bebé, no llores. Lo siento mucho" (Shhh, my baby, don't cry. I'm so sorry.) I said, hugging her.

"¿Qué le pasa a Sinaloa? ¿Está bien?" (What's happening to Sinaloa? Is she okay?)

"Yo también me duele." (I'm hurting too.)

"Y yo." (And I.)

I saw Distrito Federal widen her eyes, before stepping forward. "Mamá, es la constitución, ¿no? ¿Moriremos?" (Mama, it's the constitution, isn't it? Are we going to die?) " She whispered.

I didn't want to tell her the truth, I wanted to hold her and her siblings and keep them from this fate. But I couldn't. I was helpless to stop it. "No lo sé, cariño. Espero que no." (I don't know, sweetheart. I hope not.)

She nodded, accepting the answer, and turned to her siblings. She held out her hand, and Nuevo León took it. Then Chihuahua, and Chiapas, and Durango.


And then Coahuila, Tamaulipas, Tabasco, Sonora, y Zacatecas.

Simplemente respira.

Followed by Yucatán, Querétaro, Jalisco, Veracruz, and San Luis Potosí.

Sigue respirando.

Michoacán, Puebla, Oaxaca, México and Guanajuato were last to join them, and then they all looked up at me, waiting for something. For me to tell them what was going on. They were breaking my heart with this acceptance.

"¡No es cierto! ¡Mamá, dime que no es verdad! ¡No quiero morir!" (It's not true! Mama, tell me it's not true! I don't want to die!) Sinaloa said, and I kneeled down to hug her. "¿Mamá? No podemos morir, ¿verdad? ¿Por qué vamos a morir? Por favor, mamá, no me dejes morir." (Mama? We can't die, right? Why should we die? Please Mama, don't let me die.)

"Estarás bien. Te lo prometo." (You'll be okay. I promise.) I said, and picked her up to hug her tight. "Estaremos bien." (We'll be okay.)

"Mamá, no me dejes morir. Por favor, por favor no..." (Mama, don't let me die. Please, please don't...) Sinaloa whispered, and I hugged her tightly. I just needed to breathe... Why did they have to be taken from me? Mis pobres bebés, mis pobres niños.

"Lo siento, Pollita." (I'm sorry, Pollita.) I said, trying to keep from crying myself. Why did they have to be taken from me? Mis niñitos. they didn't deserve this.

Her eyes began to grow duller as her pleading became softer. The process had started that would take my babies from me. "Mami... Mami..."

And then she was gone, like a doused flame in the night. Mi bebé se fue para siempre. All that was left was her ashes on my hands. How could she be gone?

It was different with each following. Some begged me to help them, some accepted with no tears. All of their names were on my lips, and ashes on my hands. I couldn't protect them. What kind of mother couldn't protect her own?

All those tears I had kept from falling in front of my babies just came pouring out, drenching my hands. I failed them, I failed as a mother. What kind of mother was I that my own wasn't safe?

If I am ever blessed with another miracle of a child, I have to keep them safe. I have to keep them here with me. I can't take more heartbreaks.

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