Lake Surfing

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A/N: So this is made for NewLostIslands, who helped me a whole lot with this. My beloved Yooper Comrade, this one's for you. :D

"Your trees are dead." Hawaii said, glancing at a big birch tree they passed in the cart drive from the place they were staying on the island to the beach. Michigan had convinced one of the locals for the two to ride on the back of the horse-drawn cart that was prevalent on the island. "Come to think of it, it's all dead. Are you sure your plants are okay?"

Michigan sighed, rolling his eyes. "I know for a fact you know what fall is."

"That doesn't change the fact the trees are dead. And how cold it is right now." Hawaii huffed. "Honestly, I can't understand you or Laska or any of the northern states."

"I can't understand you, not having normal seasons."

"Wet and dry is all you need. Except for school time. Then seasons absolutely do matter, because you need to know when the keiki get out." Hawaii laughed.

Michigan smiled, and shook his head. "Are you ready to try lake surfing?"

"Sure. I did a tiny bit of research, and Mack-i-nack Island seems pretty nice so far."

"It's pronounced "Mackinaw". Don't ask me. The French shortened a native name." Michigan shrugged.

"Of course they did." Hawaii rolled her eyes. "Ah, France, my arch-nemesis, how I long to strangle the living crap out of you when we meet again."

"Drama Queen."

When they arrived, Hawaii couldn't help but notice that people were watching her. It was almost an eerie feeling to know people were staring at you. And it wasn't to be rude or anything. Just a stare, then quickly looking away.

"Those people back in town were staring at me." Hawaii muttered, half to herself and half to Michigan, as she shed the jacket she was wearing over the wetsuit. "Why were they staring at me?"

"Have you ever taken a look at yourself? Anyone that bundled up at the beginning of September is gonna get some attention. Probably wondering why you're here."

"Oh god, I just realised I am a tourist." Hawaii said, a disgusted look crossing her face. "Haven't done much travelling since the 1880's, so this is a bit... interesting."

"Getting nostalgic, are we?"

"Perhaps. Back in my day..."

"How about we save it for later. We know you are old, no need to bring attention to that." Michigan said, as they finally got to the beach.

"I could surf since before you were born." Hawaii laughed. "Lake surfing will be a breeze."

"Alright, old lady, are you ready to go, or are you going to stay here until it gets dark?" Michigan rolled his eyes.

Well, she couldn't say she didn't expect the piercing cold. There was a reason she had been indecisive about wearing this wetsuit. On one hand, it looks absolutely stupid. On the other hand, any other sort of swimwear would be too cold.

Michigan didn't need a wetsuit, as he was used to the water of Lake Huron. Which made this all the worse.

"You can turn back if it's too cold for you." Michigan said,

"Fuck off, Michigan." Hawaii muttered, "I can't help feeling like I'm gonna freeze to death here."

Why is it so cold? Hawaii shivered, and set her resolve to trying to get into a surfing mindset. This wasn't her ocean. It's going to be harder here. It's so cold and there isn't the taste of salt. Why did I let Michi Talk me into this?

She shook her head to get rid of the thoughts. She was here now. It was better to make the best of this. Hawaii stood up on the surfboard, and found it to be much harder than she was used to. Michi had said something about it being harder to float in freshwater.

And suddenly, she fell in.

It was already bad enough that it was really cold getting in, but now she was fully submerged. It was shocking, and almost hurt with how cold it was. When she got back to the surface, all she could do was tread water in hope of getting used to it.

"AUE, IT'S SO COLD." Hawaii heard the sound of laughing coming from the direction of Michigan. He was standing on the shore, holding up a camera with a goofy grin on his face.


"Too cold?" Michigan yelled back, still laughing loudly. "I thought you could surf!"

Hawaii yelled across the water. "MICHIGAN I AM GOING TO BEAT YOUR ASS WHEN I GET THERE."

The next wave led to Hawaii tumbling down in another flurry of curse words and laughter coming from Michigan, so she paddled back to shallower water.

"You're lucky I am nice to you and don't go back to burn all your stuff right now." Hawaii said, before sneezing a little. "If I get hypothermia or something and die, I'll kill you when I get back."

"Fun. Now I'm getting death threats." Michigan rolled his eyes.

"Your turn." She said, squeezing out her hair. Michigan looked at the wave crashing, seemingly debating on whether it was worth it.

"I don't know if..."

"What, are you telling me you can't surf?" Hawaii said, and then smiled a bit. "C'mon, can you stand on a boat?"

"Sure, but-"

"It's exactly like that. Don't overthink it. As soon as you lose sight of what you're doing, you'll immediately wipe out." Hawaii said, and

Begrudgingly, Hawaii finally got Michigan to try out riding a wave. Which went exactly as you would expect. Wiped out.

"See! Told you the water was freezing!" Hawaii called, and Michigan popped his head back up out of the water, laughing.

"Guess I'm not the best surfer."

"Hey, you know the lakes, I know the board. We'll figure it out."

"Sure, Sandy-" Michigan was interrupted by Hawaii pushing him off the surfboard, before she let out a loud laugh.

The day didn't go as expected, but it was still fun. Maybe it could become something a little more regular. But Hawaii didn't get her hopes up. To be honest, it was still way too cold.

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