Sikaiana's Tale

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AN: Totally not my hyperfixation at work here, nor the fact that I cannot stop writing right now. Sikaiana is definitely one of my favorite characters. And dedicated to my little sister, who some of you may know as the Potato Sister.

"SIKI!" was the last word I heard as I scurried on the boat that would take me to Hawaii herself. I had maybe left a crab or two in the bags of some of my friend's sleeping places. As a goodbye gift, of course. "Siki, I am going to get you once you get back!"

"If you can catch me!" I laughed as I looked out over the boat, practising my English and a bit of Hawaiian. Everything needed to be perfect. Everything needed to be just right for when I met this Kingdom of Hawaii. Everything I heard told me she was a very nice person, but I needed to be sure. After all, she was going to be in control of my island.

I hope she's not like Mr. Britain. I had met him once, and he wasn't exactly very nice to me. But that could have been because I didn't speak English yet.

I hope Miss Hawaii is nicer to me.

It was so late at night when I finally got to the islands of Hawaii, which were much bigger then I was used to. There were large rocks, really large. Those were... Mountains, right? Mauna.

The island was dark, except for a couple lamps. And one house that seemed to call me with its lights still on. Is this where she lived?

Maybe this person would know where I could find Hawaii. I walked right up and tapped out a beat. I was so excited. I can't wait to see her.

"Just a minute!" A lady's voice called, and my heart dropped at how easily she spoke English. Hawaiian would be so much easier to understand...

I kept tapping, out of nervousness mostly, and a lady opened the door before I stopped, so I knocked on her chest a bit. That wasn't a good introduction!

The lady that answered the door was very pretty, and she wore a long dress kind of like those prissy English women I had seen. Maybe I was at the wrong house. Her skin was a lightish brown, only a few shades lighter than my own, and she had her hair tied back and a flower in her ear.

I tried to compose myself, stuttering out an "Um... Aloha?"

"Aloha." The woman said, standing at the door. She had a worried face, as if I didn't belong here. "What are you doing around here, kid? Are you lost? Where's your parents?"

I shifted uncomfortably, and then took a deep breath. This was it. "Is this Miss Hawaii's house? I was 'sposed to come talk to her."

"Well, you're in the right place." Hawaii gave a small smile. "I am her."

"Well, I'm here because my people are giving our land to you or something. I just wanted to meet the person I will have to live under."

Hawaii's eyes went wide, and I worried. Did I say something wrong? . "Then that means you must be the... the Stewart Islands, then?"

I frowned at my english name, rolling my eyes. "Sikaiana. My name is Sikaiana. Not the 'Stewart Islands', thank you very much."

She looked like she was about to laugh at me. Why would she laugh at me? I did nothing funny yet. "Alright, then I shall call you Sikaiana. Although, I would be thankful that at least your English name sounds somewhat decent."

Decent? What name could be worse than the Stewart islands? "It sounds stupid to me, and it makes me sound like a British Colony. Which I am not."

"Me neither, and I am called the Sandwich Islands." Hawaii said, rolling her eyes. What a stupid name. Sandwich? Wasn't that the bread thing one of the sailors offered me?

"That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard." I snorted. "Why can't the British leave our names alone?

"I think I'm going to like you, Sikaiana." Hawaii smiled. She held out her hand to me, which I started at. How did this go again? Right! Take her hand and shake. "I think you know my name. Hawaii."

"I am very happy to meet you, Miss Hawaii!" I said, feeling so relieved. I was finally here. "I came to say hello, how are you, and I'll be on my way soon!"

Hawaii looked around like she was looking for someone. "Were you travelling all alone?"

"Yeah, of course I was! If the Ancient Ones could do it alone way back when, why can't I?" I shook my head, remembering the stories I had heard long ago. "I am a strong country, I can handle myself."

"You weren't worried about being alone at all?" Hawaii said, her eyebrows knitting together. Why was she so worried about it? Had she never sailed before?

"Why would I be worried about that? The ocean is where the Old Ones sailed, and I thought it was time for me to do it myself!"

Hawaii sighed, seemingly deciding something. "Look, you came all this way, at least let me give you some food for your journey back. And I don't think a ship will be taking you back tomorrow."

This was not part of the plan. The plan was to come, meet her, then leave. Not take things from her.

"Oh, you don't need to do that." I said, and looked down at the dirt on my feet. "I really don't want to inconvenience you."

Hawaii laughed, leading me inside her house. "I love having guests. No inconvenience at all!"

She pointed to what seemed like a very soft chair, and I found it easy to lay down on. I kept my eyes open for only a little while, before the need to sleep washed over me.

"You're only a little thing, aren't you?" I heard Hawaii amusedly say to herself, and I was wrapped in a blanket and carried. It was a warm, welcome feeling, being carried by someone so much bigger than me. I wrapped my arms around Hawaii, snuggling closer to the warmth.

She put me down, and I felt myself reaching to keep on being held. I liked being in her arms. It felt so nice and safe and warm.

"What am I going to do with you, Little One?" Hawaii whispered, and I almost smiled.

"Hey, Miss?"

"Yes?" Hawaii said, and I yawned.

"Does this mean you're my mom now?" I mumbled, not opening my eyes. "Because that's what I was told was going to happen."

I hoped she would say yes. She was so nice when I came to see her, and she already felt like a mom.

"Do you want me to be?"

I nodded, and I felt a kiss to my forehead. "Well then, goodnight Sikaiana."

"Thanks, Mom." 

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