Na Keiki: Abandoned

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A/N: Part two of the Hawaii's Children One Shots. Kalaupapa's turn! (Also, this came out more fluffy then angsty. Wow.)

Kalaupapa POV

A new priest had come today, and he said many things I didn't understand. Why did he want to come to this prison, when I tried to get out? Why did he say he wanted to be a friend to us?

So I decided to go ask him.

He was sleeping under a tree when I found him, so I sat by him to wait for him to get up. I was extra careful not to touch him, and I found myself bored quite quickly. So I took a bunch of leaves from the tree, and started to fashion little toys, like I did all the time.

"Miss Lauwili, how do you do?" Mr. Niu said, or, I made him say.

"I am quite well, Mr. Niu. You look very nice this evening, my friend." Mrs. Lauwili said, and so forth.

The Lauwilis were a happy family, with a mom named Kaila, a sister named Hoku, and a brother named Kaimana. But Mrs. Lauwili didn't know Kaimana was alive at all.

But suddenly, the little brother leaf started turning brown, and the other leaves got rid of him, because they were scared of turning brown too.

So the little brother leaf was thrown into the hole with the other brown leaves, and the green leaves just replaced him with a new baby green leaf. All was right again. 

It was the same stories I had heard from the kids that arrived at the settlement all the time. They always told me how they weren't wanted. I knew I wasn't, otherwise my mom would have visited me by now. My mom was the nation of Hawaii. And she couldn't spare time for her son. Did I have siblings at all?

After my story played out, I realised I was crying. I couldn't cry. Why was I crying about something so normal?

"What happens next?" I heard a voice say, and I jumped. Father Damien had woken up. How long had he been listening to my story?

"There is nothing left. Kaimana lives as a little brown leaf until he dies. And Kaimana's mom doesn't know he's alive." I said, wiping my tears and gesturing to my dolls. They were my only friends in this world.

"Will Kaimana tell her he is?" Father Damien asked.

"No, he knew she would hate him if he told her." I said, as that was the logical explanation. "He's a brown leaf, and she's a green leaf."

"But they are still both leaves." Father Damien said, and picked up Mrs. Lauwili. "And she's still a mother. I think that Kaimana should make sure she knows he's still alive. Give her a chance.."

He put his hand on my shoulder, and I quickly slapped it away. "Don't touch me! I am not a green leaf, like you!"

When the words slipped out of my mouth, I covered it. I didn't mean to be rude. Why did I have to ruin everything?

Father Damien smiled, and put Kaimana next to Mr. Niu. "We are both leaves. We look different, that much is true. But you still are a person, just like me."

"But I'm not. I'm Kalaupapa, I am a country-person." I said, confused by his words. "I am not even a leaf. I am a stick, if anything."

"All God's creations, right?" Father Damien said, and I nodded slowly. He put his hand on my shoulder again, and this time, I leaned into it. It felt good to have someone by me. "Kalaupapa, I came to help you and your people. I wouldn't be here if I cared about catching this disease."

I smiled, and settled further into the embrace. I liked this touch. I don't know when the last person touched me in a nice way. I wanted more, and I couldn't figure out why.

We ended up talking the entire day, and I found myself loving this priest more and more. He was so nice to my people. And for nothing.

When I went to sleep under a mango tree that night, for some strange reason, I didn't settle into the nightmares I usually did. This time, it was warm and bright and happy. Warmth was another thing I couldn't tell anymore. But I remember it, from right when I was born.

I began to like this feeling. Hopefully, it will last.

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