La Cueca

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NOTE: Okay, this oneshot was a lot sweeter than what I had originally intended, but you know what, you guys deserve some fluffy things. Also, this is a testament to my knowledge of Spanish Swears. Inspired by a picture I drew of Chile for a meme, in which he looks quite concerned. (See at the End of the Oneshot when I have a chance to add it)


"Mierda." Chile said, hissing under his breath. "Really, Valeria, you can't be any rougher on me? Just cut off all the blood to my leg, won't you? Hija de puta-"

"Ay, don't you use that language with me." The woman next to him said, rolling her eyes as she tightened the bandage, "What kind of Catholic are you?"

"A devout one. Chúpamela." Chile said, muttering under his breath. "I didn't ask to dance with you. I just wanted to watch el competicion."

"I didn't ask to either, but I won, so that meant I won a dance."

"I can't believe they made me go through with it. Win A Dance with Chile sounds like such a good business strategy until he falls on his face." Chile huffed, before seeing Valeria covering her mouth to laugh. "Oh, it's funny now? How funny, the glorious and honourable Chile is a joke to one of his only human friends."

"Well, how was I supposed to know that el pais de Chile would forget how to dance and fall on his face?" Valeria said, hitting Chile with her handkerchief. "Dios mio, gordito."

"I didn't forget how to dance. I am not that much of a disgrace." Chile said.

"Then what happened to you?"

"I just... Was not in the right mindset for it at the moment, I guess." Chile said, sighing as he looked down at his feet.

"Not in the right mindset for la cueca?" Valeria put a hand over her heart. "Dios mio, its worse than I thought. How can you even call yourself chileno?"

"La Cueca o no, soy El Chileno." Chile said, folding his arms. "I am The Chileno, don't forget it."

"Mhm, and yet you not only stab yourself with the boot spurs, but take me down with you." Valeria said, before wincing. "Next time I am going solo."

"I said I was sorry, Valeria."

"And I said I would stab you with a fork the next time you stepped on my feet." Valeria said, before shrugging. "You drive me loco, you know that?"

"Si, si." Chile said, almost teasingly. "But it's very funny to do so."

"Why did I become friends with you?"

"Because I'm the only one who you know who can match your rhythm." Chile said, before getting suddenly very quiet, "You don't tell anyone about this, alright? If any of mi Pais Familia got word of this, it'd be over for me."

"Of course not." Valeria said, and without missing a beat went, "Maybe you're getting old, Abuelito."

"Old? How dare you?" Chile mock wailed. "Betrayed by my one true friend."

"Oh shut up, Abuelito, how old are you?"

"Yo tengo... almost doscientos."

"Almost 200. Exactly." Valeria said, folding her arms. "You are old, and getting frail."

"Oh, let me dance again. Now that I am in the mindset." Chile said, going to stand up.

"Maybe you should let me dance the male part next time, so you can focus on your footwork." Valeria teased.

Chile gasped dramatically. "You would confine me to the female part? Are you insulting my manliness?"

"Of course not, Machito." Valeria laughed. "Maybe I just want to stab you with the spurs this time."

"I am sorry, alright?" Chile groaned, before folding his arms. "Now I want to dance, show you this abuelito has still got it."

"Woah, slow down. Let's do a slower dance. As much as I love going fast, I'm not sure I'm up for it now." Valeria said, grinning. "Have to heal from the atrocity you called La Cueca."

Chile rolled his eyes, and let her help him up. "Well, maybe I'm just a little out of practice. Will you help me?"

"I sound like un verdadero patriota," Valeria laughed, shaking her head, "As here I am saying 'anything for my country.' I suppose being a patriot is a good thing, si?"

"The best patriot I know." Chile said, grinning.

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