On the Warpath

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An snippet of AU for NewLostIslandswho is the creator of this AU and all rights go to her.

—July 9, 1898--

One heartbeat. Two. A steady rhythm, a sound in this crushing silence to listen to and remember why this must be done. It had to be done. There was no turning back, no denying destiny.

"Hawaii, why are you here? It's been two days since the resolution passed, and you refused to speak to me about it." America asked, so unsuspecting, so oblivious to his fate. He spoke with little nervousness, mostly confusion. "Is something wrong?"

It was such irony that he spoke with such ease to her, just like she had when she begged for help that never came.

She wasn't going to beg this time.

One. Two.

"Nothing's wrong. I had to take some time to myself." Hawaii waved her hand dismissively, "But now, I wanted you to look me in the eyes one last time. Before what happens comes to pass does."

Every second was closer to finally releasing all of this anger. She just needed to wait for her hands to heat up. Wait for the fire to be ready. She had waited years, she could hold on for a few more minutes.

Three. Four.

"And that is?"

Such a poor, trusting thing. It was too bad, really. Maybe if he had let her trust him the same way, it wouldn't have to be like this.


Hawaii strode up to America, leaned in close, and whispered, "Didn't your mother tell you it's silly to play with fire?"

It took less then a second to reach both hands up to America's face, fully heated and ready to burn. The only person to blame for this all was himself.

How stupid it was to try to tame a Phoenix.

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