Chasing Birds [DELETED SCENE]

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A/N: So I wrote this back in January, and it's the reason I got attached to Ancient Hawaii and was so sad when I killed him off. I had to cut this scene, as it didn't fit in the book. This version is rewritten now, with kahakōs and ʻokinas! (Basically macrons (ō) and the 'ʻ' letter.)

—Hawaii POV—

I giggled, as I saw an o'o bird fly towards the forest. The little fluffy bird seemed to sing "Follow me, follow me", and I wanted nothing more than to listen to its call. He disappeared into the forest, and I was about to follow, when I heard Papa call my name. I wonder what I need to do.

Papa motioned me to come closer, and I smelt the smell of smoked 'ulua, making me hungry. He smiled, holding out a piece of the fish. "Pua, come, taste this. Kekoa challenged my cooking, and we need an unbiased opinion."

"Unbiased? She's your daughter, Kahiko. She's going to say it's the best thing in the world even if it tastes like dirt." Papa's aikāne, Kekoa complained. "If you want an unbiased opinion, you'd have to get it from Ailani."

"Ailani's going to choose you because she feels like spiting me." Papa said, and I rolled my eyes. My Papa was so silly sometimes. Ailani was another one of his partners, and we all knew she would choose Kekoa's side.

I took the piece of meat. It was so good, and I smiled. "It's great Papa! I love it!"

Papa turned to Kekoa with a smug look on his face. "See? My daughter has better taste than you."

Before Kekoa could keep the argument going, I climbed up to sit on Papa's lap and burst out a question. "Papa! What does it mean when a bird tells you to follow him?"

Papa looked at me with the same twinkle in his eye. "Well, it depends on the bird. If it is an ʻalalā, stay inside. If it is an io, then it may be a sign from the gods and you need to answer it."

"It was an oʻo!" I said excitedly. What will that one mean?

"Then that means it might be Pele herself." He said, rubbing my head. "And that means that she has something special to show you."

Kekoa smiled. "Now, let your Papa cook, and you stay close. Don't want something to gobble you up."

"Kekoa, stop it, you'll scare her." Papa said, rolling his eyes at the other man. "Nothing here will gobble her up. Except the wild pigs, and they know not to come near us."

"I don't know, she's awfully little..." Kekoa said, before grinning and scooping me up. "She could be swallowed in one bite!"

"Kekoa!" I giggled, before giving my Papa's partner a small kiss on the nose. "Don't worry. I'll be extra safe."

"Swear on your life?"

"Swear on my life." I nodded, before turning back to look at the forest. It was going to be fun trying to find Pele.

"Run along." Papa said, and so I did, looking back every once in a while. The oʻo bird seemed to be waiting for me.

Should I follow him?

Making up my mind, I ran into the forest, laughing the entire time. Maybe the gods have a special task for me! Maybe I will be able to meet Pele!

The oʻo flew into the forest, and was soon out of sight. I kept looking for him, determined to find Pele. She could be dressed up as an old woman or a young one, or she could be with Hi'iaka!

Deeper and deeper I went into the forest, and the sky turned dark above me. It was cold, and I heard thunder. It frightened me, but I knew I needed to find Pele.

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