Foxgloves and Peonies

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For my beloved Yooper friend, NewLostIslands, who has been a longstanding supporter of mine, and a downright lovely person. For her birthday. 

(Hey, you know what else would be a good birthday gift? Reading her gorgeous comic, The Lost Republic, and commenting on it. Just sayin'. ) 

Love you Aili!/p

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Emma had told May a while back that she had three different lives, and she was usually very good at keeping the sides of her life separate. She had a pride about it that May never did quite understand, but it was Emma, not much was understood about the poor girl other than that she had a very rough past few years.

One was among the parties and higher classes with her friend, one of those flapper girls, named Stella. Another was among the more common people, with May and her family. The last was something Emma never specified, only assured it was another life she lived.

She had told May that several times, adding quickly that, "It isn't because I am ashamed of any side of me. It's because they are in such sharp contrast from one another, that you wouldn't recognise me if you saw me."

The way that Emma switched with a sort of ease was quite odd, but it did make sense. This was a time of change and new flexibilities, and maybe Emma was a living proof of it.

But in this life, the life Emma affectionately referred to as being her favourite life, May needed to shop. And she pulled Emma along, she could almost feel the tension drift off the girl's shoulders.

"I really appreciate all this, you know that?" Emma said quietly. "I... I am not really used to shopping with someone else, and it's been a long time since I got to just... do something simple and casual like this."

"Like I said, we stick together, alright? Keeps us both a bit more safe." May said, and went back to her list, and glanced at Emma. "We need... Hóng máo dān hé lóngyǎn... Oh, I forgot their English names, I am so sorry Emma."

"Don't worry, I understand you. You want dragon eye and rambutan, got it." Emma laughed, shrugging it off. "You said Choi's has the best of those, yes? You can get the meats while I go find it."

May called after Emma as she walked away, "I didn't know you could speak Chinese."

"You pick things up when you've been here for so long." Emma grinned, walking backwards before turning. "I think the stall is this way."

May couldn't help but shake her head to herself. That Emma. Had to love her.

This trip was sure to go so much faster with someone to go run more errands at the same time.

It was early May this year. Emma had muttered something about her birthday being this month, though she hadn't said the day, and it would be so nice to invite her over to dinner again.

The children really did love Aunty Miss Emma.

"Oh, Ma'am, do you work here?" A girl said, bringing May out of her thoughts. May could feel herself sigh.

"No, I do not. Not every middle-aged Chinese woman works the shop here, we can be buyers too." May said, mostly without thinking much about it. It had happened too many times not to have a set reaction.

"Oh, I am so sorry." The young woman said, and glanced at May, smiling a little. "I didn't mean anything by it, Ma'am. I assumed wrong."

"It's alright." May said, and smiled back. "Now, Mrs. Chén is a good friend of mine. It is odd she isn't here yet."

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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