Is She Gay Or European?

136 11 123

For "Uhm no <3"

A/N: Okay, this came out a lot longer than I had planned, due to Hawaii's (youngest) kids being little shits and me loving it. Also, apparently this is the debut of the Principality of Aloha, a micronation on the island of Maui that is (actually) 11 years old.

-Sometime close to the present day-

"I was on a watchlist." The Principality of Aloha said seriously, leading to the 8 year old she decided to befriend to blink her eyes slowly, not quite understanding what was said.

"What's that?"

"It's basically where the government of the US watches you to make sure you don't do something illegal. I was on it for a few months." Aloha said nonchalantly, neglecting to add exactly why she was on that list.

"That's cool!" The other girl squealed. "I wanna be on the watchlist too!"

"That's easy!" Aloha responded. "All you gotta do is commit a federal crime. And then it's a matter o-"

"Okay Ānuenue. We're going home." Kālahui said, smiling for a brief second. "No committing federal crimes."

"I'm asking Mama if I can." Aloha said cheekily, before running towards her mother, who was sitting and talking to Texas at the moment.

Texas had come to visit for the anniversary of the Texas Lost Battalion being saved by the 442nd regiment in WW2. He always came these past few years, which was another opportunity for Hawaii to rub in his face that it was Japanese Americans from Hawaii who saved his ass during the Second World War.

"Mama's not going to let you!" Kālahui said, annoyed as she ran after her little sibling, who was pulling on Hawaii's arm and talking excitedly.

"Can I please commit a crime? I promise I'll be careful! And Kālahui can watch me!"

Hawaii blinked twice before looking down at her child, who was looking up at her with big pleading eyes. "Why in the world do you want to commit a crime?"

"To get back on the FBI watchlist." Aloha said, to which Texas wheeze-laughed at. She said it as if it were the most obvious thing in the world, like it was every child's dream to be on a watchlist.

"Aw, Wai, you gotta let her commit a crime. Just a little one." Texas said, to which Aloha grinned.

"Uncle, a little one won't get me on the watch list!" Aloha pouted.

"Why are you supporting this?" Kālahui said, exasperated at Texas's lack of empathy for her plight.

"Hey Mama, can I have the magnifying glass I asked you to hold for me in your bag?"

"No committing crimes today, okay?" Hawaii rolled her eyes. "Kālahui, please watch your sister for me, okay?"

"Since when were you such a wet blanket?" Texas teased as Kālahui tried to keep her sister from using her magnifying glass to burn grass on the field.

"And why should I let my youngest child commit a federal crime?"

"You owe me."

"For what." Hawaii asked.

"For the amount of things I've lost to fire."

"All provoked attacks." Hawaii said, rolling her eyes.

"Sure. All provoked."

"I have beat your ass several times and will do it again

"It's fine. I was always much bigger than you, I think it was a fair fight." Texas said.

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