Michigan Snippet

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Something I wrote for NewLostIslands a little while ago on my Tumblr, and based on her headcanons!

"I know how you feel. Being stuck on the ground isn't fun." Michigan whispered, and picked up the robin softly and looked it over. "Just a sprained wing. Not too bad."

"You're just like me, little bird." He cooed, as he softly wrapped the wing with some bandages.

"Michi, you okay?" Arkansas asked, standing at the door.

"Yeah. I think I can release Little Blue 19 now." He said, and went to the box, where a bluebird was chirping.

"Little Blue 19?" Arkansas raised an eyebrow. "That's your name for it?"

"If I name them something creative, I'll get attached to them. And they should be free to fly." Michigan said, and let go the little bluebird out the window, sighing.

"Look at him! He's flying so well!" Arkansas said, grinning at his brother. "You did a good job."

Michigan smiled sadly, and watched the bird fly to a nearby tree. At least you got the chance to fly again.

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