Like Mother, Like Daughter

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A/N: It is currently 1:41 in the morning and I wrote this in like 30 minutes. It was based off of my friend when I was younger telling me that "Sakura" means Cherry Blossoms, and Smile. And brain went from there. Enjoy.

"Isn't it wonderful, Hawaii?" Japan smiled at Hawaii, who was busy looking elsewhere. It was a beautiful season, and Japan always offered to bring her here, to this cherry blossom grove, to look at it all.

"Sakura, look at this one!" Japan said, pointing at a large cluster of flowers. For a split second, Hawaii could have sworn she saw Japan's flag change to the rising sun and her smile twisted into an evil grin. Then it was gone, back to normal.

"Sakura, look at this one. Such a pretty flower."

Hawaii stepped back, her breath hitching in her throat. She is gone. No one's going to hurt you. Calm down.

"I thought was a good nickname. Sakura." Japan said, looking at her feet. Hawaii blinked her eyes

"Sakura, isn't it wonderful? Spring time is always welcome in my land."

Hawaii shook her head to rid the memory. "Well, I..."

"You know, because it means..." Japan tried to explain herself, but Hawaii cut her off.

"Sakura, you are a smile, a flower. That's why I call you that."

"Japan, I know what it means. I just... I never thought I would hear that name again." Hawaii said. She looked down, overwhelmed by memories and pain. "Your... Your mother called me that. A long time ago."

"I'm sorry... I didn't..."

"I'm sorry. Maybe next time you'll beat me at Ohajiki, hm?"

"It's okay. I know... I know we don't talk about her usually, but she was my friend. A dear friend... who hurt me." Hawaii said. She clenched her fists, trying to calm herself down. "And that's not your fault. How about we go and keep looking at the cherry blossoms?"

"You really are a strange little country, Sakura."

"No. Hawaii, please... tell me something about her. I don't want to stay sheltered forever." Japan said, her eyes pleading. "I know... what happened was terrible. But I need something. I need some hope I won't turn out like her."

"Japan, you will be the best that has ever lived. Never let anyone tell you otherwise." Hawaii said. "You're better than she ever was."

"Same Sakura, so willing to trust everyone. You're going to get hurt like that."

"Then please, one thing. Tell me one thing about her." Japan said. "And I'll never bother you again about it."

Hawaii bit her lip, looking down, before giving a sigh. "She... she loved the cherry blossoms. And she called me Sakura."

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