Kidnapping Children [DELETED SCENE]

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A/N: Okay, so this is a very deleted scene. It's very patchy, but I tried to make sense of it. Also, I'm not even sure if this is possible with the headcanons I support. 🤷‍♀️ Enjoy

Hawaii slammed the door behind her, and tried to calm herself. But she just got angrier and angrier.

If he could puppet me that easily, who says he couldn't puppet Alaska or Guam, or Phil or Tutuila? He could hurt any of them, and they wouldn't even know about it.

"You know what a puppet state is, right?" Hawaii said. "And I am sure you've seen someone get their control taken from them."

Philippines nodded slowly, agreeing with her.

"America did it to me before. And I didn't even know about it. He could do it to anybody."

"So you are saying?"

"I've got to get the little ones out of here. Some of the territories... Alaska especially, wouldn't come if we asked. So I can't save them all, but..." Hawaii sighed, "Maybe... I can..."

"Maybe we can save Tutuila and Guam." The Philippines finished for her. "What's the plan?"

"Do you know how big the country world is? I'm sure there is some part no one knows about." Hawaii said. "We could take them far away from here, some isolated corner..."

"Hawaii, you know that that sounds insane."

Hawaii gave a small smile. "Got a better one?"

"I mean, I don't have another one. But yours has only one minor hiccup." Philippines said, before rolling his eyes "Our good old 'lord and saviour'. How are you going to get past that? I swear he never sleeps."

"You haven't seen him sleep for 13 hours straight. He'll stay up for a week or so before knocking out. He thinks he can make up for his sleep later." Hawaii shrugged. "He used to try to set alarms for five minutes so he wouldn't sleep too long."

"So, do you have some grand plan to make him sleep?"

"Same way I did when I was younger." Hawaii said, smiling. "And now, with better methods than just chamomile and lavender."

Philippines laughed. "You used to do that to make him sleep? You never cease to surprise me."

"He was a stubborn ass about it, refused to go to sleep at a proper time whenever he visited me, even though he knew he needed it. Which made me make sure he slept whenever I had the chance to make sure he did. I found it so much fun to sleep on him like he was a big pillow." Hawaii laughed softly, her voice changing to one of sadness and guilt. "But... that was... before."

"Kaharian, ano ang mali?" (Kingdom, what's wrong?) Phil asked softly, placing a hand on her shoulder. Hawaii found it was slightly harder to hide behind a smile around Philippines, and that scared her a little bit.

Having some sort of wall for her emotions kept her safe, and as much as she trusted him... those walls weren't going to be torn down any time soon. Not after everything.

"Wala ito, Pilipino." (It's nothing, Pilipino.) Hawaii said back, a sad smile on her face. "Ngayon, bumalik sa plano." (Now, back to the plan.)

Philippines sighed, switching back to English. "You lie about being fine too much, Kaharian. You're going to start believing it."

"I am fine. And if this works the way it's supposed to, Guam and Tutuila will be away from that... that monster." Hawaii said. "I'll get Tutuila out first, then you and Guam after."

"Hawaii, be careful. We don't even know what Amerika is capable of. What if he gets mad at you for trying to, I don't know, steal his child? What if he can make you walk right back in through that door? What if he knows when you leave? What if..."

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