The Birth

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A/N: I wrote this on a whim, and slightly inspired by Potato sister, who said that Siki's adorable af and needs more content. 

When she first opened her eyes, it was dark, and raining. It was thundering and everything was cold and wet. What was happening? Why was it cold? What was this cold?

She was outside a hut, and she quickly ran in, hoping for shelter. She bumped into a man, who's eyes widened in shock. Then they settled into a smiling face.

It was familiar, in a strange way.

"Sorry I bothered you, but I feel so cold." Sikaiana said, sneezing.

"Come on, child, don't be silly." The man said, and pulled her into the hut, where there was a fire in the corner that cast a warm glow around.

"Thank you, Sir." Sikaiana said softly. Something about this man felt warm and bright, and also a bit scary.

The man smiled, and looked out to the rain. A thunderbolt shook the house, and Sikaina kept her head down. "Where did you come from, little one?"

"I don't know. I know I'm wet and cold." The child said, before tears came to her eyes. "I obly know my name, but not why I'm here, and I'm not having a nice time!"

The man began to laugh, though not unkindly, and handed her a new piece of tapa cloth. "I'll turn away so you can change, okay?"


"Because you need privacy."


"Because you are a little lady."


"Because... because the gods decided it." The man threw his hands up in the air as he turned to let Sikaiana have her privacy.

"But, why? Why does a 'little lady' need privacy? Why did the gods make me one of those?" Sikaiana said, and then finally started to change. After tying the knot on it, she walked up to the man and tapped his shoulder. "You can look now."

He turned back, and laughed a little. "Here, I think I have a comb in here. I'll comb your hair."


"Because..." The man sighed, as he motioned to the mat in front of him for her to sit down. "You ask so many questions. I am not sure how to tell you the answers."

"I want to know though. Why are things the way they are? What am I? Who are you?

"Sikaiana, there's a lot of things you don't know. Hopefully, you will learn. What does the name 'Hawaii' make you feel?"

Sikaiana smiled, as the name seemed to echo warmth and love. "It sounds very pretty. I like it."

"Well, Siki, my child... you're going to have to find Hawaii. I wish I knew what she was like before I have to send you off to find her. I wish you had appeared on her islands, not here. I can't help you much after this."

"You're not making sense. Who are you?"

"Sikaiana, please. As soon as you can, find Hawaii. She's your mother. You need a woman to care for you. Someone who will be able to teach you how everything is." He said. "Someone who... isn't going to leave you."

Sikaiana furrowed her eyebrows, before starting to speak again. But the man put a finger to her lips.

"I'll explain in the morning, Siki."

"How do you know my name?" Sikaiana said, frowning.

"I just know." The man said, smiling softly. "Go to sleep, little one. I am usually up at this time anyway."

Sikaiana nodded, then hugged him tightly. "Okay. Wait, I still don't know your name."

The man sucked in a deep breath, and then said. "I am... someone not important. You're the future, and I am the past."

With those confusing words, Sikaiana fell asleep, the wind howling outside.

The next morning, there was no man. Just ashes on the mat next to Sikaiana. It wouldn't be for a couple of hours until she was finally found and told to leave the ashes to rest.

When she would look in the water later, she would jump back in pure shock. The face was almost exactly like her own.

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