Baked Alaska

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A/N: For an anonymous person who requested New York and Alaska right after the Alaskan Purchase 😀

Alaska hadn't expected to be interrupted while he was picking at his wings. But he was, and it had startled him so thoroughly that he had jumped back.

The boy who had interrupted him then started speaking English, in a quick, brisk fashion. The words were so different, swimming around and failing to make sense besides snippets here and there.

Alaska took a deep breath, speaking in the best English he could. He winced at the accent coming out so thick. "I... I am sorry. I am not understanding."

"Right, sorry. Forgot you speak mostly Russian." The boy said, smiling. "I'm New York. It's really nice to have you here. Sorry for sneaking up on you."

Нью-Йорк. The flurry of faces and names hadn't stuck too well, it was easier when it was one to one.

"Newspapers say what they want, but I want you to know I'm really happy you're here. In fact, I got some of the others to help me make this." New York said, grinning. He then pulled Alaska by the arm, leading him through the house with a sort of expertise.

It was so quick, but New York seemed so excited, and so Alaska tried to keep up with him.

He disappeared into the kitchen for a moment, before emerging with some sort of desert. It was strange looking, puffy, and slightly brown on the very edges. "Can you guess what this is called?"

"Something to do with clouds or snow?" Alaska guessed, and New York laughed. It was a kind laugh, like Нью-Йорк was sharing some joke with him instead of laughing at him. It felt kind of nice.

"It's a baked Alaska!" New York said cheerily. "Some restaurant in my state named it to celebrate you."

"Me?" Alaska said quietly, feeling his face start to flush.

"Yeah, you're the newest of the American Territories!" New York smiled. "And I'm happy to meet you."

"Did you tell him that I'm the one who actually made it?" Another voice came from the kitchen, speaking in English, and New York rolled his eyes.

They got into a conversation quickly, one with words that Alaska hadn't learned yet. But it didn't matter. They made this desert, specifically for him. Specifically to welcome him.

He felt his hands shaking, and so he put down the dish.

"Hey, Alaska, you alright, buddy?"

"I'm... I'm fine. Thank you."

"You're family, Lasky. Don't mention it." New York smiled, and Alaska couldn't help but smile back. "Now, are you going to eat it, or should I?"

It was the best thing Alaska had ever tasted.

Not just because of the ice cream and the cake, but because it was for him.

Maybe part of the United States was going to be alright.

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