Na Keiki: Forgotten

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A/N: So, here we are, the first of the five part angst one shots of Hawaii's kids. Sikaiana's first!

Sikaiana POV

"Siki, it would be better if you stay on your island for a little while. When it's safe again, I'll send you a letter to come back." Mom said, and hugged me tightly. "Tell everyone I said hello, and I'll visit soon, okay?"

I didn't want to leave her, not when there was so much going on. Miss Lili'u had everything under control, right? Besides, Mom's tougher than nails. She would be okay.

Saling wasn't as fun when there were worries clouding my mind. Even my land, the Island

The days turned to weeks, and there were no letters. I had to stay positive. It's what Mom wanted me to do, I think.

Every time a ship would arrive, I would stand and wait for a message, some kind of sign. Maybe I should go back myself.

After the new year had already passed and it was early March, I saw a ship coming, and waited for a letter or something to arrive.

"Britain, hello." I said, hoping that after all these years, my English was better. Mom said it was, but of course she had to. She's overly nice to everyone. "What brings you here?"

"Stewart Island, I need to talk to you." Britain said, and his voice made it clear that something bad happened.

"Sikaiana." I corrected it. It wasn't his fault that the explorers gave me such a dumb name. "Where's my mom? She said she would send me a letter once..."

"She's gone. Her kingdom was overthrown and now there's a republic in place." Britain said, and it seemed like the whole world crumbled into a thousand pieces. It had to be a lie, right? How could she be gone?

"You're lying to me! She can't die, she's..."

"She did. And now you need someone to take care of you." Britain showed no emotions that someone who lost a friend should. Maybe Mom was not his friend after all...

"No! Mom wouldn't have left me with you!" I said, trying to reason with him. "She would have left me with Uncle Lika, or anyone else! Not the tea bag!"

"Stewart Islands, I would watch your mouth if I were you. As your-"

"Sikaiana! My name is Sikaiana! Why can't you just say my name, you fwlsyn?" I cut him off, proud of myself for remembering the Welsh word for ass from Uncle Lika. "Why don't you go back home?"

I saw Britain's lips twitch. I had made him mad. Good. I was never going to live with that wrinkly old ass.

"Your mother really should have taken my advice a long time ago." Britain muttered, then grabbed my arm, effectively stopping me from leaving. "I am going to have to teach you what your mother neglected."

In a fit of pure adrenaline, I bit his arm, hard enough to draw blood. He had no right to touch me, whatsoever. But that action has its consequences, and before I knew it, I hit my head on the ground with a loud crack.

I don't think I had ever been hit this hard before. My head was throbbing, and I couldn't stand up. I bit my lip, before curling up into a ball, trying not to cry. Mom, please help me.

I felt my half-conscious self being picked up, and I tried to push him away, but he was too strong. Was that blood in my hair? My head felt so dizzy. Maybe I should try to sleep...

—Britain POV–

Of course she had to try to fight back. Sandwich Islands never did teach that girl the little bit of civility that she had gained over the years.

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