Closure Art

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For LonelyBeano's wonderous Request

September 6th, 2001

Canton, Ohio.

"You're up to something and I don't know what." Ohio said, narrowing his eyes at Hawaii, who was trying her best not to look like she was up to something.

"Maybe I just want to celebrate the president who was part of forcing me to join this hellhole of a country. He really is so dear to my heart." Hawaii said. "And maybe I want to do it on the anniversary of the day he was shot."

Hawaii had decided to make a surprise visit to Ohio to celebrate President William McKinley's assassi- Life. Yes, it was to celebrate his life and legacy. Totally no ulterior motives to be found.

"That's the memorial?" Hawaii asked, looking up and frowning. "It's such an eyesore."

"Not much to do about that one." Ohio shrugged. "It's supposed to resemble one of McKinley's Famous Swords. Pretty important memorial over here."

"Says you." Hawaii said, rolling her eyes, before innocently pulling a piece of chalk from her pocket. "Needs a little splash of colour."

"That's called vandalism, Hawaii." Ohio deadpanned. "And it's a federal crime, I'm pretty sure."

"You call it vandalism, I call it closure from not being allowed to punch McKinley in the face." Hawaii said, "Of course, who said closure couldn't be fun and artistic?"

"You can't vandalise the memorial today of all days. It's the 100th anniversary."

"Each time you say no or try to talk me out of it, I'm going to get more and more risky with it." Hawaii warned.

"What, why?" Ohio said. "This is stupid."

"I am going to sign my name on it now." Hawaii said, eyeing her new canvas with the eye of a master artist. Master meaning she had made crude doodles a few times when bored.

"You're going to get arrested."

"In spray paint."

"Are you trying to commit a felony?"

"And paint a curly-Q moustache on the statue of McKinley." Hawaii continued, checking her watch. "Wanna help?"

"I'll only buy the spray paint. Because there is no way in hell I am going to actively commit a felony with you. We're close, but not that close." Ohio rolled his eyes. "I think most places close in three hours."

Hawaii grinned, glancing back at the grey and plain memorial.

This was going to be fun.


It took one day for America to find out about said incident.

"How the hell did you get banned from the entire city of Canton. And are on a fucking watch list if you visit the state?"

"I have my ways." Hawaii shrugged, before glancing at Ohio. "Your people just don't like me for some reason. This makes it the fifteenth place that the State of Hawaii is banned from until further notice."

"What other places are you banned from?"

"One shave iced stand in Hilo, three towns in Ohio because of related incidents, several restaurants, and the anything relating to the Dole Fruit company. I have not done anything to them yet, but they don't want to have liability issues."

"Okay, that's... something to know. But why Canton."

Ohio snorted through his nose at that, "She vandalised the McKinley Memorial. She signed both her name and drew her flag on the corner of a large 'FUCK YOU' written in cursive. On the 100th anniversary of his assassination."

"You had nothing to do with it, right?"

"I plead the fifth."

"Overruled. I'm your father."

"Overruled, this is America. I know my rights." Ohio joked back, laughing. "Dad, it's not that bad. Only thing is Wai refuses to clean it up."


"'Cause can." Hawaii shrugged. "Now I have news reporters flooding my email and mail asking questions about it. I'm probably front page back in Honolulu by now. Bumbye it gonna pass, but I'm livin in the moment."

America blinked twice, then inhaled deeply, before turning on his heel. "I am not going to deal with this today. I am not dealing with this."

"You know you love me, you old fish!" Hawaii called after him. "And you too, Ohio."

"It's not Oh-hee-oh." Ohio rolled his eyes. "Ha-why-yee."

Hawaii scrunched her nose. "Point taken."

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