Chapter 25

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                               "Before I die,
                I'd like to do something nice."

Tw: brief mention / description of panic attack.

Panting, the group of teenagers were quiet. They were in a chemistry lab, hiding. Yet again. Not too far away, they could hear distant growls. Holding their breath, they could feel their hearts thumping against their chests. The Alpha passed the chemistry lab, continuing his hunt as they all let out a silent sigh of relief.

"Jackson, how many people can fit in your car?" Scott questioned, sitting down on the floor. And he thought that being a werewolf meant that you had more energy. How wrong he had been.

"Only five."

"Five! I barely fit in the back," Allison whispered. Who needed a Porsche when you could have a car that actually fit people inside of it.

"Well, two of us are kind of goners then considering there's seven of us here and only five can get in the car!" Stiles hissed. Unless two people wanted to be strapped to the roof or could run behind the car, they stood no chance.

"It doesn't matter, we can't get out without drawing attention to ourselves," Jade whispered back.

"What about this door? It leads to a fire escape, we can get to the parking lot in seconds!" Scott exclaimed, feeling a bit more optimistic. It didn't last long when he found out that it was a deadbolt. Maybe Jade should try being positive sometimes, instead of bursting everyone's bubble. It would suit her much more than her current mindset.

Max separated from the main group, holding near his heart in pain. The walls were collapsing in on him from every side, making his chest feel as if it was being forced through a small tunnel. Sliding down against the wall away from the others, he tried to calm his breathing. Five things he could see, four things he could feel, three things he could hear, two things he could smell, one thing he could taste. Fear. It was the only thing that was on the tip of his tongue.

"Is he okay?" Lydia asked Jade, concern lacing her voice as she tried to see over the chairs and tables that were blocking her sight.

"Just leave him for a second, I'll talk to him," Jade whispered back. Approaching her brother, she knelt down beside him, trying not to draw too much attention to the situation, which would just overwhelm him even more. "Want me to stay with you?"

"I'm gonna go get the key," Scott whispered as Jade rejoined the group.

"What? You can't go out there unarmed," Allison exclaimed in a hushed tone. He was more insane than she thought. Did he think a teenager had a chance against fighting a murderer? It would just end up with him getting hurt or even worse. She didn't want to think about that, what she would do if he got hurt.

Grabbing a stick with a pointer finger on the end of it, Scott held it in his hand like he was prepared to go golfing. They all stared at him with look that could easily be read. They thought he was stupid, and to be fair, he didn't blame them. It was a stupid idea. "Well, it's better than nothing!"

"There's got to be something else," Stiles tried to reason, wrecking his brain for something that would avoid Scott having to go out there. At this point, he would take sacrificing someone just so they could get out. Hey! They could sacrifice Jackass! In his opinion, that was a wonderful plan that worked out in everyone's favour.

"There is," Lydia said, Max coming to stand beside her. The break away from the main group had given him enough time to get his empath abilities under control. Handling everyone's emotions as well as his own, was killing him. The two teens simultaneously looked at a nearby cupboard, then back to each other, smirking slightly.

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