Chapter 101

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                       "Did you fill the hole?
                        Hope you find peace
                               for yourself."

Deaton raised a brow, jumping out of the way when Jade fell off her chair onto the floor, which meant Lydia got dragged down with her. It had only been a matter of time until they awoke, given the fact that the blonde had been stirring in her sleep for the last half hour. He assumed it had been a bad dream, something to do with Allison's death, given the panicked mumbles under her breath.

Jade nearly gave herself whiplash trying to see where she was, even after waking up multiple times during the night. The recurring nightmare hadn't given her a break last night, no matter how tired she had been. She had somehow gotten used to the terrors that occurred every time she closed her eyes, almost expecting to be jolted awake in a cold sweat and a panic attack. She muttered a quick apology to Lydia, who had thought she was being murdered when she fell.

"Good morning," Deaton trilled, pressing his stethoscope against Derek's chest.

"How's he doing?" Lydia asked, trying to rub the clumpy mascara out of her eyes and adjusting to the coldness of the tiles. She knew she would regret not taking off her makeup last night, but the sleep had gotten the better of her, luring her in with the promise of a break from the real world. Well, that and the cup of hot chocolate that the vet had made the pair.

Deaton paused, listening again before wrapping the equipment around his neck. "His heart rate is actually alarmingly high," he noted, pursing his lips as the other two surrounded the metal table. "Lydia, I'm gonna try something. I want you to hold his hand, if that's okay."

She done as she had been told, gently wrapping her clammy fingers around Derek's. He was a lot warmer now, which was an improvement from when he had been basically hypothermic. She furrowed her brows while Deaton picked up a scalpel from a tray, immediately cutting it into the werewolf's arm. The more he dragged it along skin, the quicker the incision disappeared.

"That healed too fast," Jade shook her head, running a hand through her bed-head curls. It was a pity she didn't have a spare hairbrush in her car, given that she could probably find an oven in there somewhere.

Deaton nodded in agreement, moving around before his mouth had time to spew out the instructions. "Let's try something else. Lydia, grab me a five millilitre syringe from that top draw. Jade, grab me another scalpel from that locked cabinet." The group sprung into action, busying themselves in finding the items.

Jade found the scalpel with ease, not needing the key to open it and simply using magic. Sometimes it could be her worst enemy, but other times it could be her best friend. It was cool against her skin as she picked it up, twirling it in between her fingers. It was hard to believe that this one simple tool could be used to help save someone's life.

Turning around when she heard a deep growl, she side-shuffled over to Lydia and Deaton, an arm out to protect the two.

Derek got down from the table with ease, his eyes glowing blue and his claws growing by the second. His eyes didn't remind her of Isaac's, Aiden's or even Ethan's; they were more aggressive in colour, like a ship that was battling on choppy waves. The group tried to call out his name, but all it done was make him more overwhelmed, covering his ears to block their voices out.

He swiped at them once, throwing Deaton into a cart full of medicine, before running out the double doors and into the midst of town.

Jade leaned down beside the man, ignoring the werewolf that had just bolted out of the clinic and was probably going to wreck chaos that they would have to fix. His arm had two bleeding claw marks drawn across it, from his elbow down to his wrist. Closing her eyes, the mark was fully gone in a few seconds, the witch's white outline disappearing.

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