Chapter 99

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                     "You don't know fuck
                          about my family."

"You know, you could really come up with some new torture methods, because these are kinda boring," Jade commented, leaning forward against the chair she was strapped to. She was enjoying being in here a lot more than when she had been stuck in the other room. At least here she had hunters who were forced to listen to her ramble on. "I mean, electrocution? Really? Is that the best you could come up with?"

"Zip it," Scott hissed, throwing his head back in exasperation. She was asking to get hurt at this point, just taunting the hunters more and more. Him on the other hand, wasn't looking forward to what he was about to endure.

The door swung open, a man harshly holding Lydia in his grip. The girl looked terrified, her hair flying everywhere from the fast pace they had been walking at. She was thrown into the spare chair in between the pair, her hands and legs being cuffed down in a split second.

"Your hand goes here," Araya's son, Severo, pushed Kira's hand onto a dial, holding her there firmly. "So, let me explain what's about to happen. This one, the fox, has an immunity to electricity. She's going to turn the dial on the Alpha and the witch. If she doesn't, I turn the dial on the banshee."

"No, I'm not doing this," Kira struggled, trying to stand her ground a few feet away from the dial. She wouldn't be used as a pawn in whatever sick and twisted game the Calavera's were playing, especially not when she had to hurt her friends.

"Kira, you'll turn that dial if it's the last thing you do. Believe it or not, Scott and I have the power to heal, whereas Lyds doesn't. So, press the god damn button for the love of all things above," Jade hissed, feeling her eyes flicker to purple before turning back to green. Huh.

"What are you doing? Is this a game to you?" Scott asked, staring down the woman in front of him.

"This is a test, lobito. Let's see if you pass," she clapped her hands together, pacing in a circle as she explained the rules. "We're going to ask some questions. You answer them, no one gets hurt. You don't answer, we turn on the dial. We don't know where Derek is. We want to find him as well. You know who took him."

"Are you actually thick?" Jade raised a brow, still trying to get her arm out of the handcuff that seemed to be melting against her skin.

"That doesn't sound like an answer to me."

"We don't know. Why do you think we came here?" Lydia spoke up, trying to defuse the consuming hostility in the room. It would probably be a good idea if her girlfriend took some anger management classes or perhaps just knew when to bite her tongue.

"Kira, turn the dial," Araya sighed, clicking her tongue when the kistune started to protest. "Shall we turn the dial on Lydia instead?"

"Just turn the dial, Kira!" Jade hissed, feeling a warmness drip down her wrist that she paid no attention to.

The girl hesitated, biting her lip as guilt twisted in her stomach. She was scared of hurting her friends, but she was more scared of pissing off Jade. Her darkly painted nails touched against the button, pushing it up to one. She looked the opposite way, trying to block out the groans from the two teenagers who were getting electrocuted, sending sparks flying everywhere.

"Tell me who actually has Derek. Who had a reason, a vendetta particular to the Hales?" Araya pressed for more answers, not feeling at all satisfied with what she had gotten so far. They were resilient, she would give them that.

"I said I don't know!" Scott panted, trying to ignore the pain shooting through his body.

"You don't know because you haven't figured it out yet! So think! Who could have taken him? Who had the power?" She waved a hand behind her, ordering Kira to turn the dial up. A little bit more pressure needed to be applied before one of them broke. All she needed was for them to confirm what she already knew. "The power of a shapeshifter. Someone who could have turned without you knowing. Turned, but not by a bite!"

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