Chapter 76

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                     "I put a spell on you."

A/N: This one's quite a long chapter, i tried to keep most of the episode in it :)

Jade cast a non-verbal spell, all the doors and windows in the house clicking shut. Don't get her wrong- it was fun watching Scott run around like a headless chicken while Kira watched him in confusion, but they didn't have that much time to spare.

Grabbing her fruit salad from the fridge, she sat up on the counter, legs swinging as she ate her food. She looked up when she felt a pair of eyes on her, Kira looking away quickly. "I'm not going to jump up and start cursing you or whatever other theory is running through your mind. Well, I could but I won't." She laughed quietly to herself when Scott ushered his friend upstairs, sending her a glare on his way out.

Throwing her bowl into the sink on her way past, it faintly clinked as it hit against the other dishes. She threw herself onto the couch, letting out a sigh as she finally had two minutes to herself. Of course, that didn't last long. Grabbing her phone off her leg when it beeped, she scrolled until finding the notification that had just came through.

Sour wolf (maybe not so sour idk): Hey, just wanted to check in and see if you were okay. Message me back and let me know.

She groaned, turning the device onto silent. She'd have time to reply later, it wasn't a life or death situation! She'd already began secretly plotting on stealing his phone and turning off the automatic capitals. There was no need for it! She'd stolen his phone before and he only had five contacts, so technically it wasn't needed and in a way she was doing him a favour.

Sighing, she flicked through the channels on the television, settling on watching 'Judge Judy.' One thing she definitely inherited from her dad, was her love for reality shows. God, they were stupid but so addicting.

She distinctly remembered screaming at the tv until her throat was hoarse, because two women were fighting over a baptism gown. There was real world issues, like climate change, and they were fighting over that? Although, it had made for good entertainment, so she wasn't exactly complaining.

Grabbing the remote off her lap, she paused the television for a second, listening intently to the faint sound of puddles spraying outside. Rolling her eyes and pressing play again, she decided it was probably just a car passing by, and not Melissa pulling into the driveway. They lived close to the hospital but not that close where she could be home in five minutes.

They'd finally shaken Ethan and Aiden off their trail when Kira had dismantled part of their motorbikes and Lilith had ran off to wherever. The twins couldn't exactly be mad at them; it was only temporary, their motorbikes would be fine! Well, at least she hoped they'd be fine.

Leaning her head backwards so that the world looked upside down, she tapped her finger against the glass table in front of her. She wondered how long it would take until the blood rushed to her head and she'd pass out. Maybe one day she could try it out, just to feed the pure curiosity. When the back door opened and quietly closed again, she let her hand fall limply. Considering she'd locked them all, only someone with a key would be able to get in. "Hey Mel, how was- oh. It's you. Go away."

Rafael threw his key onto the kitchen counter, quirking a brow at the blonde. She was hanging upside down off the side of the couch, the ends of her hair touching the ground. He'd never be able to understand that girl. "Nice to see you too. Where's Scott?"

The screen dimmed, turning blank while Jade threw the remote into a white basket on the coffee table. "Probably out doing drugs, getting into fist fights at bars, whatever else you think he gets up to while his biological father is being an asshole."

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