Chapter 94

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                             "They say I did
                             something bad,
                           then why's it feel
                                   so good?"

The bell made a chime as she stepped through the door and into the shop. She slid the bolt over behind her, pulling all of the blinds down and flipping the sign around to closed. She had obviously taken the necessary safety precautions, such as powering off any cameras in the area and using an invisibility spell until she was inside. The store was in a remote area, though, so it wouldn't have really made a difference. But that wasn't a risk she was willing to take.

There was objects scattered everywhere, small cards giving detailed descriptions and prices that didn't seem to be up for negotiation. She recognised a few of the items, having witnessed her mother using them for spells.

A counter covered in crystals and stones caught her eye, but under closer inspection, none of them seemed to be the resurrection stone that she was searching for. Of course, she hadn't expected it to be in plain sight. No, it was probably kept somewhere more private where it couldn't be stolen.

She sighed when a few shadows blocked the only lanterns in the room. Flicking her hand up, she done the job for them, a few spheres of light floating in mid air.

Finally dragging her sight away from the shelves, she smirked at the group of people in front of her. There was seven staff members standing with their arms crossed and their lips pulled into tight lines. Their stances were identical, like an army that were prepared to defend their shop.

Two of the older ones were witches, their light pink aura showing their sense of loyalty, love and sensitivity. Hm. She wondered if something inside of her was broken, considering right now her own aura wasn't reflecting any of those things.

The other five were sprites or fae- whatever they preferred to be called wasn't really a concern to her, as they both dulled down to the same thing. Obstacles in her way. Sprites auras were the complete opposite of a witch's; a glossy red showcasing their sense of excitement at chaos as well as their mischievousness. Well, if it was chaos they wanted, it was chaos they would get.

"We're missing one of you, I think," Jade mocked, pointing at the supernaturals as she pretended to count them. She was right. There should have been eight staff members, not seven. She let out a dramatic sigh, running a finger against one of the dust covered books. "Oh well. We're just gonna have to start the fun without them! Where's my stone?"

"You can't have the stone, I'm sorry," one of the witch's was the first to address the girl. Her voice was calm, almost soothing as she held her clasped hands out in front of her. She didn't flinch like her colleagues when the blonde began to laugh, an obnoxious and taunting sound. She pushed a strand of black hair behind her ear, a warm, genuine smile reaching all the way up to her amber eyes. "You seem upset. You and I can sit down if you would like, have a cup of tea and talk about it while my fellow co-workers get back to what they were doing. They're very busy people, I'm sure you can understand that."

Jade took a deep breath, digging her nails into her palms as she turned to look at the kind natured woman again. Breathe in, hold for three, out, repeat. Keep her cool until she was given something to freak about, that was all she had to do. Replay the promise she had made over and over in her head, like it was sealing her fate and forcing her to stay grounded. She mimicked the woman's sickly smile, feeling like poison on her tongue as she gritted her teeth. "No. Thank you for your unwelcomed advice, but all I need is that stone and then I'll be on my way, out of your hair."

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