Chapter 86

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                              "I just wanna
                             feel something."

Tw: binge eating

Jade sat on the floor in the living room, trying to ignore her cousins watching eyes that were scorching through her skin, making sure she knew that she was under scrutiny, even with her eyes closed. She felt the blood from her hand run down onto the map as she spoke Lydia's name clearly. The piece of paper floated for a second before falling limply to the ground, small black writing appearing. Location not determined. Please try again.

"Stupid fucking thing, why won't you work!" She picked up the candle that was lit beside her, chucking it full force towards the window. The flame ignited the cream coloured curtains that were hanging down, reaching all the way up to the top of a metal pole. Storming outside to get some air, she waved her hand behind her on the way out, extinguishing the fire before she had no house to come back into.

It had been half an hour since Lydia had been taken, and none of her twenty locater spells would work. Her patience was running on a thin line, resembling more of a sheet of ice. Every second that they were wasting, was a second that Lydia could be lying there, bleeding out to death.

She couldn't stop replaying her last talk with the girl, the words she'd said and the words she might never get to say. She pulled her knees up to her chest on the porch step, clasping and unclasping her hands every second, not being able to find a way that would soothe the pain in her stomach.

She felt a slight flicker of hope grow in her chest, flowing through her body when she saw a pair of headlights become visible through the fog of the evening. The car parked in the driveway, Mrs Yukimura pressing the button to lock her vehicle. She was dressed head to toe in black, topped off with a beanie as she walked towards the nervous blonde.

Jade pushed herself off the step, pulling her cardigan towards her body in hopes of giving herself some warmth. She pushed her clear glasses up on her face, trying to hide the bags under her eyes. Grabbing the pencil that was twisted in her hair, she pushed it deeper into her scalp to keep her bun in place before leading the way back into the living room.

"She's here," Jade shouted, showing the woman into the main area where Scott was waiting for them. Peter had left not too long ago, apparently not wanting to get involved. Typical.

Melissa was upstairs, making sure Stiles was medically okay before the oni tested him. She couldn't deny that she was slightly uneasy about what was going to happen, considering it could result in even more pain for the boy. Scott disappeared upstairs to get the other two, leaving Jade to awkwardly stand there.

Unfolding her arms, she walked into the kitchen, bending down to open their snack drawer. Noshiko watched curiously as the witch threw packets of chocolates onto the island. It looked like she didn't work well under pressure, but who could blame her? This was a stress so profound that no group of teenagers should have to deal with it.

Jade began to stuff her mouth with chocolate, looking like a hamster that was storing food. She was too tired to even bother to hide the evidence when three pairs of footsteps came back down the stairs. All she could think about right now was Lydia and about finding a way to fill this gaping, endless hole in her stomach. So, this was what she had resulted too; eating until she felt physically sick and had to lay down.

"Do you recognise me?" Noshiko asked, her hands buried in her pockets as she stared down the figure in front of her. That was all he was right now; a sickly figure. They didn't even know if he was human, or if he was some century old nogitsune. But that was what she was here for and that was what she intended on finding out. 

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