Chapter 105

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                   "You're on your own kid.
                           You always have

After having her mini mental breakdown in the hallway and having to be reassured by a freshmen, Jade finally made it out to the pitch to watch the lacrosse tryouts. Sure, she may have been twenty minutes late, but at least she had got there.

"What did I miss?" she asked, letting out a huge sigh as she took a seat on the metal bleachers. It was kind of cold outside, her flannel wrapped closely around her body.

"Stiles and Scott are absolute crap at this game, Kira's the only one who's actually watching, Max and I are trying to finish our math homework," Malia answered, chewing the lid of her pen while she narrowed her eyes at the equations. This was too confusing. Besides, Stiles said that you only need maths to know how much to tip at restaurants, and she had a calculator for that.

Max's phone beeped, his sister trying to look over his shoulder before he jumped out of his seat. Slinging his bag over his shoulder, he bolted down the bleachers, muttering about something that he needed to do.

"You forgot your—" she sighed, waving Max's math homework in the air. Honestly, he would forget his head if it wasn't screwed on properly. She was halfway through belting his belongings into her own bag so that they would eventually end up somewhere in the house, when someone on the field caught her attention.

The first player up made a perfect shot, twirling his lacrosse stick around in his hand before flashing a toothy grin to his friend.

Jade raised a shaped brow, trying not to let her face give away too much, due to the fact that Scott and Stiles were both staring at the supernatural on the stands. But hell, she couldn't deny that this guy was good, especially with how young he looked!

The next part of the try-outs flew by in a blur, the players scoring goals left right and centre. They had a good line up this year, but Scott didn't seem to be his usual self. It was like he was still shaken up from what happened at Oak Creek, missing the shots that he usually would have been able to make with his eyes closed.

"What does this mean?" Malia groaned, pulling the sleeves of her cardigan up and out of the way while she elbowed Jade in the ribs, trying to get some help.

Even though Jade was looking at the game, her eyes weren't focusing on anything in particular, apart from the thoughts buzzing around like static electricity in her head. It was hard to explain how she felt, especially when she didn't even know herself. It was like her body was there, but she wasn't in the room herself.

Her mind was miles away, everything and nothing running through it all at once. This was the exact spot where she sat with Allison when the pair got bored and decided to watch practice. Even when Malia had asked for help with the math homework, all she could do was sit there and stare stupidly for a minute.

Because when she looked at the were-coyote, her face twisted and morphed, distorting between herself and a different person. Her brown eyes turned a shade lighter, while her hair done the opposite, becoming darker. And for a minute, Allison was right there, sitting next to her. But of course she had to ruin it all and blink, snapping her out of her delusion. Because that's all it had been; another delusion, just like the nightmares.

Coach blew his whistle, the sound fizzling through the air. "McCall! Stilinski! Grab the long sticks. You're covering goal for two-on-ones."

Jade spotted her cousin and his best friend do as they were ordered, eyes drifting to the first player up. The brunette boy that was apparently 'the future of the team'— according to the people around her— was near the front of the line, his face set steadily.

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