Chapter 34

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"You know it's not the same
                              as it was."

"Jade! He'll be fine, I promise, just please help me!" Allison begged the blonde. She had to get her friend to help. It was confirmed that Jade was the strongest out of the group as she had been the last one standing. Scott was a werewolf- or at least she was pretty sure he was- so that meant he could heal. Kate couldn't.

"Please. I know she's a horrible person who's done terrible things, but she's still my aunt," Allison exclaimed. Jade kneeled beside the brunette and her cousin, trying to decided what to do. Scott murmured a quiet 'go' under his breath.

Knowing that she'd probably regret this later, the two girls ran into the Hale house. "If you try any of your witchy, spells, whatever, I will rip her throat out," Peter commented.

Jade stopped in her tracks. God, she hated this man. He was like that annoying wasp that just wouldn't leave you alone, no matter how hard you tried. And even though Jade would happily let Kate die, she couldn't do it. Not to Allison. It would destroy her.

"I'm going to give you a chance to save your niece. Apologise," Peter snarled. Allison had tears in her eyes now. Jade grabbed her hand, squeezing it tightly in hopes of reassurance. She was trying to think of a plan that would work, but there was just nothing she could do. Peter would probably see it coming, and then he would definitely kill the woman. If she fired a spell and missed, he would still kill her. "Say that you're sorry for destroying my family. Say it, and I'll let her live."

His grip on Kate's throat never faltered. "I'm sorry," Kate whispered. A few seconds went by, everyone waiting to see what he was going to do. Before they could do anything to stop him, he slashed Kate's throat. Blood splattered all over the walls as Kate's body hit the floor.

Allison was in shock. She stood there frozen on the spot. Her aunt had just been killed. Her aunt who was more like a sister to her. The woman who had tea party's with her when she was five. The woman who let her watch scary movies when she was 14. The woman who bought her her first bow and arrow when she was 7. But was that really the woman she knew? Was Kate the same loving, kind person or had she changed? Into a murderer?

"I don't know about you girls, but that apology didn't sound all that sincere," Peter said. He started to walk towards them threateningly. Jade stepped in front of Allison, who now had tears streaming freely down her face. Jade didn't want to kill him. She didn't want to be a murderer. She didn't want to be like Kate, or Peter. But if he tried to hurt them, she was going to do whatever she had to do.

A growl sounded from their right, Jade pushing Allison behind her. Scott was on the floor, fully wolfed out. Derek emerged from the other side, also in his wolf form. This wasn't going to be pretty.

"Go," Scott hissed. Allison ran out the door, wanting to get out of the house as fast as possible. Jade hesitated, her hands lighting up purple. "Jade, go," he repeated. His brown gaze met her green one. He nodded and she headed out to the front.

"Dad? Dad?" Allison asked, kneeling beside him. Jade came to a stop beside her, kneeling down too. Putting two fingers on his wrist, she looked for a pulse. It was there. He must just be unconscious. "Oh God, is he dead?" Allison screeched, her voice raising a few octaves in fear. "No, he's okay. He's got a pulse, don't worry."

Her hand glowing purple, she raised them in the air. "What are you doing?" Allison asked sceptically, grabbing her wrist. When Jade winced, she gently let go of her. "I'm just going to speed up the process. Wake him up. It won't hurt," she promised. Well, he might have a concussion, but that wasn't on her.

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