Chapter 72

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                        "You start to freeze,
                    as horror looks you right
                         between the eyes."

Jade was kneeling on the ground, muttering under her breath and healing Scott who was sat up and finally conscious. They were silently praying they wouldn't get ran over, considering they were sitting in the middle of the road. Not their smartest idea to date, but definitely not their dumbest.

Scott had been having dinner over at Kira's house as a thank you for saving her from the coyote the other day. The evening had actually been surprisingly fun, apart from the fact he choked on sushi, but that was a whole different issue. When he was getting on his motorcycle to go home, he'd been attacked by Barrow.

He'd been after Kira all along.

"I knew he was there. How did I know that?" Lydia asked desperately. Stiles and Max were beside her, after breaking the speed limit to get there as quickly as possible. The car ride over was silent, to say the least.

"Because you heard the flies, right?" Stiles queried. "What do you hear now?"

"Nothing. I feel like I can do this. But I don't know what to do. It's like it's on the tip of my tongue, and I don't know how to trigger it," she started to pace around the street, pulling her hair in frustration. God, why did she feel so useless? "I just... I swear to God, it literally makes me wanna scream."

"Okay, then scream. Scream, Lydia," Jade nodded confidently. It would make sense. The girl was a banshee, and what were banshees best known for? Wailing.

She screamed loudly as it rang throughout the air, lingering even after she'd stopped.

"Fuck, she's got a pair of lungs on her," Max raised a brow, a hand combing through his hair. He wondered if there was a competition for who could scream for the longest. Lydia would definitely win, and if there was money involved, sign her up. He'd be her agent, they could split the prize!

"It's not flies," Lydia laughed. It had worked. She turned around, her hair flipping Jade in the face. "It's electricity."

The group immediately looked up to the street lamps that were illuminating a yellowish glow. When Scott listened closely, he could understand why Lydia would think it was flies. It sounded like a buzzing that just kept getting louder and louder, a lot like an annoying bug that wouldn't stop buzzing in your ear.

"Wait a second. Barrow was an electrical engineer. He worked at a power substation," Stiles waved his hands around, trying to remember what the article he had been reading said.

Jade blocked out their conversation as she sat on the pavement, hidden in the shadows. Letting everyone on the street know that she was a witch wouldn't exactly be in her best interest. Waving her hand, a map and candle appeared in her lap. Maybe if she focused hard enough, she'd find his location. "Found him!" she yelled, waving the map around as she rushed back to the others.


Jade put her knees up to her chin, adjusting her position in the chair. Maybe she should give Noah the tip to get new ones, because these weren't comfortable for anyone here. But maybe that was the point, considering they were in the sheriffs office. They'd been waiting to be interviewed for the last hour and god was she bored.

They'd finally found Barrow, who had tried to kill Kira, but had thankfully failed. But something even stranger had happened; Kira had made the electrical wire explode and, basically consumed all of the energy from the lights in the room. Yeah, it had been crazy.

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