Chapter One: Mesmerized🌌

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On a busy Friday, Moon and Kas traveled to Bangkok. Moon's brother, Sun, was moving there after graduating college so they went to help him. Since it was the start of a weekend, they also thought they could have a night of pure fun.

They went bar hopping first, getting a feel of their surroundings while also loosening up. They went to Bangkok as shy, timid boys, and ended up having the time of their lives.

Moon had gotten out of an abusive relationship two months prior, and Kas had never let loose or was able to be his true self ever in his life. They danced and sang their hearts out in every club.

Kas had a high alcohol tolerance, so he kept a close eye on Moon, who had a very low one. However, Moon was also a very energetic drunk, and wanted to keep dancing when Kas was tired.

"Oi Moon! My calves are cramping!"

"I'll be back!"

Moon left his friend at the bar, going to the center of the small dancefloor. Kas wasn't alone, though, and spotted a handsome man two seats away, drinking and occasionally looking back at the crowd. "Your friend ditch you, too?"

The man nodded. "You?"

"Yep. Can't tame that one." He watched as Moon closed his eyes to he beat of the song. At least he was having fun. "What's your name?"


Kas sat next to him, ordering another drink. "I'm Kasem, but you can call me Kas."

Yuth was dancing when the annoying girl came to bother him again. "There you are! I was wondering where you ran off to." She dragged her finger from his chest down to his stomach before he stopped it with his hand. "Wanna get out of here?"

"Sorry, I'm in a relationship." He tossed her hand away. He swung both ways, but he was most certainly not interested in her.

"Where is she?" The girl looked around and behind him.

"You mean he." Yuth could've easily told the horny girl that he was not into her, but he was drunk and couldn't think straight. It was easier just to use his friend Chatri as a scape goat.

When he searched for Chatri, however, he realized that he had his tongue down some guy's throat. Fuck.

"Where is he then?" The girl crossed her arms, noticing the panic in his face.

Desperate, Yuth searched until his eyes landed on a cute boy in the crowd. Laughing and smiling on the dancefloor, Moon had no idea what was about to unfold.

"Hello?" The girl waved her hand in front of his face so he lost focus.

"He's right over..." The boy was gone. Yuth's eyes frantically searched and his legs started moving to find him faster.

The girl followed him, but he didn't realize she was there anymore. He was too focused on that smile, those eyes, and those round cheeks that reminded him of salapao.

He stopped when he reached the bathroom, realizing that the boy disappeared. A sense of defeat hit him, along with some dizziness.

"You don't have a boyfriend, do you?" He turned around to see that the girl caught up with him. She grazed her hand on top of his pants' zipper. "I can make you feel really good tonight."

He rolled his eyes, then noticed the boy coming from the restroom. "Babe!"

Moon turned out of curiosity to see who was yelling when he realized a tall handsome man was looking right at him.


They locked eyes and he came to Moon, wrapped an arm around him to hold his neck as he pulled Moon in for a kiss. The boy was stunned, but the man's lips tasted so good and felt so soft. He kissed back, letting himself get caught in the heat of the moment.

Moon's eyes closed, sinking himself deeper into the man's mouth. Yuth loved the taste of the boy, and poked his tongue through the soft lips. He could feel the boy playing back, but then retract and separate.

Yuth let go of Moon, slowly lifting his face from the boy's to look him in the eyes. He was often at the clubs. That was his life of partying, drinking, and sex. Moon was looking like his next adventure.

Yuth didn't even realize that the girl had gone away finally. He smiled at the boy, then pulled him closer by the waist. But to his surprise, the boy wiggled from his grip. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have. I'm not who you're looking for."

Yuth smiled at his cuteness. "No, I've got the right person."

"I think there's been a misunderstanding. I'm not the babe you're looking for." He held his hands out in front of him, but Yuth pressed his chest against them.

"I used you as an excuse to get someone away from me." He explained, hoping the boy would understand.

"Oh..." Moon's hands fell to his side and Yuth made his way to the boy, looking him up and down.

Yuth slid his face to Moon's neck, softly kissing and sucking, pausing briefly to see the boy's reaction. His eyes were barely open and mouth slightly gaped. The man grinned, loving the effect he had on him. "Do you want to be who I'm looking for?" Little did the boy know, he searched for him not only as an excuse, but also because he was mesmerized by him.

The boy kept his eyes on the ground. His mind was hazy, but he was still sober enough to think. He knew that he was probably going to just be used for sex, but he wanted to use the man, too. It was a fair enough trade.

The man held the boy's waist, and Moon didn't swat his hands away, just let them rub on him. Yuth's thumbs pressed into the grooves of Moon's pelvis muscles right above his pants. Slowly they moved further down and into his pant line. The boy raised his arms to hold onto Yuth's forearms, wanting more.

"Yes," he managed to breath out.

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