Chapter Seventeen: Persuasive

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Yuth was so close that Moon could feel the warmth of his body. "No." He let go of Moon, finally getting inside the house, but the boy followed.

Moon whispered once they walked into house, making sure not to wake Rune. "Why not?"

"It's a game with real consequences. You're not ready." Yuth walked until he reached his office, letting Moon follow him and close the door behind him.

"Why not?"

"You're young, you have a lot to live for." Moon couldn't believe what he was hearing. Yuth was insinuating that it was a life or death game!

"I could die?!"

"You're not playing. Go to bed." Yuth sat at his desk and opened his emails, avoiding going back to sleep.

"The only person I lived for is gone. You're not that much older than me and you have a nephew to take care of. How can you play and not me?"

Yuth wiped the tiredness from his eyes, frustrated that Moon was finding loopholes through him like Rune did. "What part of dangerous don't you get? Aren't you afraid?"

Moon sat in a chair that was in front of Yuth's desk. "I know that what you're doing is good, no matter how it looks to everyone else. I want to do that."

"Do what?"

"Protect people." He couldn't protect his mother, so he wanted to do it for others.

"I'm not protecting people."

"Then what are you doing?"

"Getting revenge." Moon paused. It was the same thing in his eyes.

"Can't I do both?"

"You're not ready."

"Why not?"

"Because you're not ready for the truth. You'll be too affected to focus. That's a hazard in what we do."


"Yes. We. Multiple people."

"Tell me the whole truth now then."


"Then let me in and I'll see for myself."

Yuth stopped scrolling and laid his attention to Moon, who sat on the couch comfortably, looking extra cute with his glasses on. "If I let you in will you do as I say? Nothing more, nothing less?" Moon nodded quickly. "And you'll trust anything I say?" He nodded again.

"Anything you say."

"Okay." Yuth turned back to his computer, turning it off and walking out.

Moon followed him, confused, but turned off the lights to the office. "Wait...that's it?"

"Yes. I'll let you know when it's time to play."

Moon eagerly followed Yuth down the hall, thinking of a million things. "What's my job? Is there a special meeting place? Do I need to dress in all black like you do?"

Yuth stopped and turned around, staring at Moon. "Go to sleep."

Moon gave a flat smile, then released it. "Do you have nightmares every night?" During the late night trip, he realized that what had woke him up was Yuth yelling.

The boss was stunned by the question. How did he find out? "What?"

"I do, too. Can I sleep in your room?"

"My room?"

Moon nodded. "I won't take up much space, I don't snore, and I won't hog the blankets, I promise."

"I....okay, but-."

"I'll be right back!" Moon was gone in a flash, leaving Yuth flabbergasted. The boy knew how to get his way. He didn't even have to do anything for Yuth to fall for him.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The night dragged on for Yuth. He kept waking up to the sound of snoring, the blankets being ripped away from him, and, every now and then, a limb smacking him. The boy had lied big time.

He finally got fed up and sat up. "Oi Moon!"

Moon groaned, rolling over and wrapped his arm around Yuth, but happened to come across Yuth's lap, landing his hand on his manhood. Yuth took in a sharp breath, realizing that he was as hard as a rock. He froze, looking down at the hand that caressed him. He slowly let out the breath he was holding in.

Yuth wanted it to stay, twitching at the thought of Moon handling him again, but he needed to take it off. His emotions were scattered everywhere and he didn't know what to think. Yuth slowly grabbed the boy's hand and lifted it to the bed between them.

Much better.

He laid back down and faced Moon, watching the boy sleep with his face in the soft pillow, a squished cheek against it. His hand thought for him, reaching out to touch the boy's face, but stopped midway.

This is wrong.

He reeled his hand back, trying to ignore his own feelings, when the boy stopped him. Moon grabbed his hand and pulled it back to his body, pulling Yuth with it. The boy wrapped an arm around Yuth's side and a leg around his hip.

Yuth looked down at the boy who was cuddling him in his sleep. His head was buried in Yuth's chest and the man felt his heart wanting to break free from his body.

Calm down.

Yuth told himself that Moon was just doing it out of comfort. He probably dreamt of having a big teddy bear or something. But in the meantime, Yuth took advantage of the warmth radiating from the boy's body and fell asleep faster and deeper than he had in years.

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