Chapter Thirteen: Out With the Old

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"He's such a douchebag. I can't believe he did that. Such a waste of a pretty face to have a bad soul." Moon walked into the office to Dao and Kas gossiping at Dao's desk.

"Who are you talking about?"

Kas turned around with an uneasy look on his face. "Moon..."

"What's going on?"

Kas turned the rest of his body around, not sure where to start. "S-Sakda...He's in trouble for assault and rape. Multiple accounts. People are speaking out about him. It's all over the news."

The news he just heard didn't seem to be real, but he turned to the TV. Dao had just turned up the volume. Sure enough, they were reporting about it. "What?"

"He's going to get what he deserves. 20 counts? I hope he stays in jail for a long time." He hoped she was right.

"Excuse me for a second." Moon rushed to his office, where he leaned against the wall behind his desk.

The wave of emotions hit him like a freight train. He wasn't angry or sad, but happy. So happy that Sakda was in trouble. Happy that his abuser would finally have justice served.

All the nightmares, and flinching from simple touches, and fear of getting close to people, all the pain that was inflicted, all the memories came back to Moon. All he had suffered because of that trash, all the feelings he had bottled up for so long had come gushing out in tears.

He covered his mouth, crying silently by himself. He was taken back to the time when Sakda had hurt him for the first time.

{*Flashback-TW: Abuse*}

Moon had arrived at Sakda's apartment finally. He was late, which was unusual, but he had forgotten to tell his boyfriend.

"Babe! I'm here!" He dropped the keys at the counter. He was smiling, waiting for Sakda to come give him hugs and kisses, but what came next was much worse.

His smile disappeared quickly when he saw his boyfriend approaching him quickly and with the coldest look he had ever seen. Before he could say anything, Sakda punched him square in the jaw, throwing him off-balance. He held onto the counter for support with one arm as he held his face with the other.

He looked at Sakda in horror. "Where were you?"

That was why he punched him? "I was at m-my mom's stand. I'm sorry." Apologizing was the only thing he could think to do. He didn't want to fight his boyfriend over a misunderstanding.

"Bullshit!" Sakda grabbed him by his hair and pulled him to the living room, pushing him onto the couch. "Tell me. Tell me everything."

Moon was nervous. Why wasn't Sakda believing him? "B-babe I really just went to help my mom."

"Do you think I'm stupid?!" Sakda pushed Moon to lay down, then got on top and pulled him up by his shirt. "Who were you with?"

Moon bad never seen such rage in anyone. "My mom, I swear."

"Okay." That wasn't a very confident okay. Sakda got off, then waited for Moon to stand up so he could throw one more punch, knocking him back onto the couch. "Don't ever fucking do that to me again!"

Moon held his face that felt numb from the punches. What just happened? Why was Sakda acting that way? Did someone tell him something to make him doubt Moon?

The boy laid down on the couch, letting tears fall as he heard his boyfriend get ready for bed. He thought just being in the older one's presence would set him off.

When he heard footsteps coming, he closed his eyes and pretended to sleep. Sakda drank some water in the kitchen before going over to Moon on the couch. To the boy's surprise, he held his hand.

"Moon, babe, come to bed." He stroked Moon's hair softly, making his eyes flutter open. Sakda placed a soft kiss on his forehead. He didn't know what was going on, but his boyfriend had calmed down. "Come on."

He pulled Moon to their room, where Sakda turned and caressed his face. "I'm sorry." He believed him. The look in his eyes was different. It was back to normal. Whatever had plagued Sakda earlier was gone. He gave Moon one last kiss. "I love you."

"I love you, too..."

Moon didn't know at the time, but it was far from over.

{*Present time*}

Moon regretted not leaving Sakda when it first happened. He regretted staying every single time. He regretted believing Sakda when he told him he loved him. If he had gotten away sooner, things might've been different.

One thing remained the same; Sakda was an abuser. He was finally being recognized for it.

Moon's tears ceased, and he took some deep breaths to calm himself. Soon, he wouldn't have to see Sakda in person anymore. He wouldn't have to worry about bumping into him anywhere, or having a panic attack just from seeing his face. He thought maybe even the nightmares would go away. Wishful thinking.

He wiped his tears away, finally being able to breath and smile lightly. It was a good thing. Not that Sakda had so many people that he abused, but that they were speaking out. Moon wished to be as brave as them, but he couldn't muster up the courage.

Two small knocks at the door startled him, until he saw Mr. Yuth. The man that Nin warned him about. Who might be the cause of his mother's death. But who was he to believe those rumors?

"Can you fax these over to the branches, please?" He came into the office.

"Yes sir." Mr. Yuth placed the clipped papers onto the boy's desk. He didn't leave right away, but rather moved closer, raising his hand. Moon flinched, shutting his eyes tightly with his face turned down.

Yuth wasn't so surprised, considering what the boy went through. One hand raised Moon's face back up as the other lightly grabbed an eyelash from his cheek. Moon opened his eyes one at a time, perplexed by the amount of physical contact they were having.

Mr. Yuth took a tiny step back, removing his hand from the employee's face, holding out the eyelash on a finger. "Make a wish." The look on his boss' face was kind but insistent.

He nudged the eyelash closer to Moon, and it took the boy a second to think. He just wished to be happy. To find happiness again and not feel so restricted by his own feelings. He leaned forward ever so slightly, blowing on Mr. Yuth's finger until the eyelash flew away.

With that being done, Mr. Yuth smiled and went back to his office, leaving Moon a chance to catch his breath, fanning himself with his hand. His boss had some sort of vibe about him and Moon had no idea where it came from. He felt strongly attracted to him, but more than that, felt like he knew him.

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