Chapter Seven: New Beginnings

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Moon woke up after two weeks with no memories.

His doctor called Yuth with every update. The man made sure they wouldn't tell Moon that he was paying for the medical bills. Moon's brother was suspicious, but they told Sun that it was an anonymous donor.

Moon and Yuth weren't the same after everything happened. Moon had memory loss, and Yuth had survivor's guilt.

The last thing that Moon remembered was breaking up with Sakda. He lost two months worth of his memory. They waited until he was in the clear to tell him about his mother's death.

Moon and Sun held a funeral for her mother, paid for by Niran Corp. They just thought it was because Pink died in their office. They believed she went there to deliver food, and there was a gas leak that lead to the explosion. Sun let Moon take her ashes home with him.

Eventually, memories from the attack came back to Moon over a period of 6 months. He was already afraid of his ex, but having those memories back didn't help. He didn't press charges, in hopes that Sakda would just leave him alone, and he did.

That was all he could remember. He had forgotten all about Yuth and no one knew about them enough to remind him. Kas just assumed the man was a friend that helped Pink.

Chimlin left Yuth as her beneficiary on her life insurance, so he saved it away for Rune in a secret place. He was well off enough financially to raise Rune on his own, so he did. He received an enormous amount of help from his cousin Kiet and Kiet's husband Kusa, who both helped Chimlin with Rune before.

Yuth often confided in his best friend Chatri, who had also shared a tragic family history. Both of his parents died by suicide, but he knew that they were murdered.

After talking with Kiet, Yuth knew that Somchair had the cops in the palm of his hand, and that the disaster wasn't an accident. Before Somchair ordered that the building was demolished, they snuck in and found out that a bomb had to have been in the wall.

Yuth bought a new building away from their larger main company. He wasn't going to take a chance knowing that Somchair could have tampered with the new office he had given him. He was seeing things in a whole new light.

Yuth and Chatri had spoken before about their ordeals, but this time it was different. This time they felt like they had to do something.

They wanted revenge.

They were tired of people with power getting away with everything and having no consequences.

So they had a talk with Kiet, who happened to share their thoughts. He believed in what they wanted to do, and backed them up wholeheartedly.

"It may not be legal, but if it's what you really want...I'll do my best to help you."

And so began the game.

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Moon had to work harder in college to catch up after being out for two weeks. Sun sold their family home after they cleaned it all out. He believed there were too many bad memories to come from it. He wanted Moon to move into a dorm, but Niran Corp gave him more money for lodging, so he moved into an apartment instead. He managed to be successful in school, though, and graduated with honors.

His brother and friends were at his graduation, but his mother wasn't. He could see her smiling in the crowd, standing next to Sun. Only problem was that she disappeared. It was just a daydream.

His mother would've been proud of him. He wanted to keep working hard in life for her.

Moon and Kas worked in Lampang for a few months after graduating. They applied for jobs in Bangkok, but received no replies. They became discouraged easily, but kept positive for one another. Sun even tried to get them into his company, but by then it was too late. The boys had received a letter each from Niran Corp.

The company was recruiting them. They were both recipients of the scholarships and they were both top students. Niran Corp wanted them to come to work immediately.

It was nerve-wracking to move away from home. More so for Moon, who wasn't ready to leave his old life behind. It was a bittersweet time for him, but he had his mother with him, and the memories would always be in his mind.

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Kas and Sun helped Moon move into his new apartment in Bangkok. It wasn't the nicest, but Moon didn't mind things like that.

"Are you sure this is a good neighborhood? I wish you would've asked me to help before signing a lease." Sun was worrying for nothing again.

"I guess I'll find out eventually." Moon teased his brother.

"One call. Just one call and I'm moving you out of here." He set down some boxes and gave him a stern look. "Have your phone ready at all times, and don't go out at night."

"Yea, yea, I understand." Moon rolled his eyes. Sun was a great brother, but he underestimated Moon. He was overly cautious after he remembered what Sakda had done to him. Maybe that's why Sun was even more protective after Moon woke up.

Moon placed his mother's urn on the counter and went over to the wide open space that was his studio apartment. He laid down on the floor on his stomach and held his hands under his face as a pillow.

"I hope we can thrive here."

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