Chapter Eight: Reunited

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The nightclub was packed even though it was a Sunday night. Everyone must not work at the typical 9-5 job. Yukathon sat in the corner booth with sheer curtains that were cracked open towards the crowd. He sipped on liquor as he played a game with Chatri, a guessing game.

"He's a starving artist."

"Yuth, we should go now, we have to get up early."

"And he's cheating on his wife later for sure."


"And he works at a convenience store on the corner next to the Anurak Fabric store. He only works nights and listens to the same music every time. He has a dog named Anuman, a terrifying little thing."

Chatri was listening but then grew surprised at the amount of details and looked at his boss disturbed. "I think you're too good at making up stories or you're good at this game."

"I go to that convenience store a lot at night. We're friends now. His name is Rodger."

"Okay, okay. Now are you done with your game? We have new employees coming tomorrow, so we have to be there early." He stood up and gave Yuthakon a stern look.

That look was enough to get him moving. "Fine, I'm going." The man followed his bodyguard out, calling it a night at 1am.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Meanwhile, on the other side of the city, the black haired boy struggled in his sleep.

He was having the nightmare again. The one where Sakda found him again and tried to kill him. He would run and run, but it was always no use. Sakda always caught up to him. Before he could die, he would wake up.

Moon shot up, jumping out of the bed as quickly as possible. There was music coming from the alarm on his phone. It was morning. He was safe.

"It's okay. It's going to be okay...." He tried to reassure himself as he shook uncontrollably. He tried to catch his breath from the painful reminders that haunted him in his sleep.

It had been about a year, but it was still fresh in his mind. Nothing took the feeling of disgust away. No amount of good days, no amount of sleep, no matter how much time he spent with friends. He was far from his hometown, but the fear still remained.

Once he was done hyperventilating, he fell onto his bed and took deep breaths. His phone began to ring, so he picked himself up and answered it. "Hello?"

"Moon! Are you up yet? What are you going to wear?"

"Oi Kas! I haven't even showered yet."

"It's our first day, we need to be there early! Wear a button up and slacks, and I will too. I'll see you in a bit."

Kasem cut off the call and Moon proceeded to get ready. He wanted to make a good impression, as this was his first real corporate job ever since graduating college. He wanted to make a good life for himself and make it on his own.

Once he exited his apartment building, he runs into a familiar car. A patrol car. The driver rolls down the passenger window and smiles. "Ready for your first day?" It was Nin, Moon's childhood friend. She moved to Bangkok before him, before he graduated college, so she was more familiar with the city.

"I'm not ready." Moon started walking back towards the building.

"Hey! Are you serious?!" He made a u-turn and walked back to the car laughing, getting in this time.

"I'm really not ready."

"Why not?" Nin starts driving downtown where all of the corporate buildings are.

"I've never had a serious job before. I'm just nervous."

"By the way, which building is it?"

"It's Niran Corp. They have a small office aside from the headquarters. I'll put the address on your phone." He pulled out his reading glasses and grabbed her phone to pull up the gps.

Nin was speechless, she looked at Moon in amazement, until he pointed at the red light they were coming up on. "Nin!"

She quickly pressed on the brakes, coming to a screeching halt at the crosswalk. "Sorry. But did you just say Niran Corp?"


"Moon!" She gave him a concerned face, but he didn't know what was wrong. "They're bad people."

"What?" The boy was in shock. He never heard such rumors. Nin proceeded to drive him to work in the nicest part of the city, downtown.

"I wish you would've told me sooner, I would've planted a wire on you."

"A wire?" His friend kept shocking him with absurd things. "They can't be that bad. They gave me scholarships for my entire time I was in college, and helped me with room and board after mom..." He trailed off, not wanting to revisit the past. "They've taken care of me, even now with a job."

Nin stopped at a corner in front of the the small office building. "Because of guilt, Moon. If it weren't for them..." Nin didn't want to push her friend further, but she hated the Niran Corporation after Pink died there. Also for things she learned while working as a cop. "Watch out for the owner's son, Yuthakon. Tell me if you notice anything fishy."

"Nin, I'm going to be working, I don't think I-"

"Just go!" She unhooked his seatbelt and laughed. "And be careful! If you need me I'm a call away."

Moon nodded as he stepped out of the car, walking down the sidewalk to the main entrance. Kasem was already waiting, as cheerful as ever.

"Good morning! Was that Nin who dropped you off?" They entered the building and began their walk to the third and final floor.

"Yea, sorry I didn't meet you on the bus, she surprised me outside my apartment."

"That's okay. Are you"

"What? No, never."

"Just checking to see if you've fallen for her."

"You check on that a lot. Trust me, she's like a sister to me."

"Okay, okay."

They finally reached the office and walked into the double doors to see a large office inside. The receptionist stood up and smiled from ear to ear. "You must be the new employees!" She ran around her desk and came to greet them. "I'm Dao! I'm all by myself in the front so don't be shy to come say hi and gossip and stuff." She winked and the boys smiled back while nodding.

"Just don't gossip about your boss and everything will be fine." Dao stepped aside to reveal the man behind the voice, the most beautiful man Moon had ever seen.
No way that's my boss. Moon thought. Yuthakon Bunchuai. He adjusted his reading glasses nervously, forgetting that he still had them on.

Yuth walked over with Chatri by his side and they greeted each other. "You must be the new employees. Kasem and Moon?" The boys nodded quickly, anxious about their boss and his intimidating bodyguard. "Welcome. Dao will show you to your desks and show you your daily tasks. I'll be back later."

They watched the men leave as quick as they arrived. Kas was in shock, as Chatri didn't say a word to him and acted as if they never knew each other. He was certain that Chatri was the man he spent the night with a year ago. He shrugged it off, trying not to act disappointed.

Kas began to follow Dao but Moon was entranced. He turned to the door and saw Mr. Bunchuai staring back at him as he went out, raising a smile on the corner of his mouth.

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