Chapter Six: Crashing Down

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Yuth postponed his traveling jobs, and stayed in Lampang to help Pink care for Moon for the next week. Moon's mom told her eldest son, Sun, to only come on the weekends when he was free from work. She only had Yuth and Kas to rely on at that point during the week, because Moon's childhood friend, Nin, was in the police academy at the time.

Yuth had overheard them talking about who did it to Moon, but they never said his name. He only knew that it was Moon's ex. Yuth didn't want to pry at a time like that, so he never asked who it was.

He was simply happy enough to stay by Moon's side and watch over the boy. Yuth loved to watch the boy heal slowly as he slept. "Pao. Come back and cook for me. I have a lot to tell you."

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As the next Friday rolled around, Yuth was still reluctant to leave. But his sister needed help, and he knew that Moon would be just fine once he woke up.

He delayed his trip so that he would go back home on Saturday. "My flight is early tomorrow morning. I just wanted to thank you. Please give me a call when he wakes up." Yuth handed Pink a business card that he had written his personal number on.

She smiled at it and handed him a meat skewer. "Thank you for helping us so much. I don't know what I would've done without you."

"It was my pleasure. Don't hesitate to need me in the future, too. I'll always answer your call."

Pink gave Yuth a big hug and squeezed him silly. "Sweet boy."

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Yuth had dismissed all of the employees early that Friday, leaving himself at the office alone. His phone rang, with 'Bossy' highlighted on the screen. "Chim, I'll be home early tomorrow."

"No! Don't go home. I'm on my way to you now. I've got to show you something. It has to do with mom and dad."

Chimlin seemed frantic, which worried Yuth. "What?" Their parents had been dead for years, and out of the blue she was bringing them up.

"I don't think their deaths were an accident." The words that came from his sister seemed unreal. She was the reasonable one, the responsible one, and the smart one. "I'll be at the office in the next hour. Just stay there."

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Yuth watched his sister pull up in her car, which was visibly full of luggage. As soon as they parked, Rune jumped out and ran to his uncle. "Yuth!" He hugged him tightly. It was strange for Chim to bring Rune anywhere, especially with all of his extracurricular activities on the weekends.

Chim seemed upset, but she got out of the car and still put on a smile for her son. "Let's go inside. I'll show you."

Yuth led them in and gave Rune a spot to play on his tablet. Chim was at Yuth's computer, plugging in a flash drive and clicking on a few things. Yuth stood behind her, watching her open a few folders before getting where she wanted. "What's that?"

"This is money being sent to the wife of the man who killed mom and dad."


"I went back years, and it's all the same. Every single month." Yuth was confused. Why would their company send the murderer's kin money? "This is the account that Somchair handles by himself. No one else touches it. I just happened to accidentally find it in the filing room."

"Maybe he felt bad? The wife wasn't at fault so he wanted to help her with money she lost because of her husband."

"Yuth. That's a lot of money. Over years. It's too much."

"What if they're in a relationship? He's her sugar daddy or something."

"Nope. I had Kiet follow both of them. Nothing fishy between them. Besides, she's with a woman now, has a fiancé and everything." Kiet, their cousin, was a well known lawyer in Bangkok. He was also like a third sibling to them, and helped them with anything they needed.

"What do you think is going on? Are you sure about all of this?" Yuth knew what she meant, but didn't want to believe it.

"Somchair killed our parents. These payments started a month before their accident. He's trying to push me away from the company now, and I think he wants to do the same to you."

"He just gave me all of this extra work. I thought you wanted more time off? What if those payments are for something we just don't know about?"

"You can trust me, or not. But I'm going to get more proof, hard evidence. I'm not going back home, so you can take my place."

"What?! Why?"

"I think he's onto me..." Chim looked over at Rune, worried and visibly stressed. "If anything happens to me, will you take care of him?"

Yuth glanced at Rune, then back at his sister. "Nothing is going to happen to you."

Chimlin took a deep breath before getting out her phone. "Can you go get dinner? And take Rune with you, he's been sitting down for hours in the car. He deserves a treat."

"You got it."

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"Don't tell on me. Just finish this before we get back to the office." Yuth handed his nephew an ice cream while they waited for their food order. He would've gone to Pink's stall, but it was closed. He figured she must've been at the hospital with Moon again.

Yuth wanted to stay by Moon, but the boy had tons of help from his family and friends. Instead, Yuth had given the Doctor his number to call him with updates in case Pink would forget.

Yuth grabbed his order and headed back to the office with Rune passed out in the backseat. Before he rounded the corner, he realized people were all standing around and he had to slow down until they moved.

It was dark, but something was shining extremely bright.

Panic set in, and he parked as fast as he could, running to get to the office, but cops had stopped him. "Sir, you can't go in there, it's dangerous."

He pushed and tried to fight them off, but they had a good hold on him. "My sister is in there!" They didn't budge, and his efforts to fight back were of no use.

"We understand, but let the firefighters do their job." They held him as he slowly sank in their arms.

Defeat washed over him. His sister was probably not alive. He left her there alone after she worried for her safety. His heart ached as he watched the flames that had engulfed the building.

A firefighter rushed out of the building with someone over his shoulder, and Yuth had a glimmer of hope ignite in him. When they put the woman onto a stretcher, however, he realized he was devastatingly wrong.

"Pink?" He stood up and rushed over to her as they loaded her up onto the ambulance. "Pink?!" She didn't answer. A different set of emotions washed over him. They shut the doors in his face as they drove off. He didn't understand what was going on and his world was crashing around him.

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