Chapter Three: Accidental One Night Stand

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The sun was blocked by the blackout curtains, but the thing that woke Moon up was his own ringtone blasting in his ear. The man next to him stayed dead asleep, as they had gone to sleep only three hours prior. Moon grabbed his phone and answered quickly to stop the annoying sound. "Hello?"

"Moon! Where are you? We're supposed to help your brother move in. I told him you overslept but he expects us there in an hour!" Kas' voice rang out of the cellphone, making Moon realize that he had a tiny hangover.

"I'll meet you at the hotel in a second!" Moon didn't even remember which hotel they had booked a room with, but he had to hurry. He still needed to wash up before meeting with his older brother. He didn't want Sun to know that he had sex with a stranger. His brother was strict with him.

Moon stood up, regretting standing up so fast. "Oh!" His bottom was extremely sore. He sat back down quickly and pulled on his clothes while sitting.

He looked over at the man who was sound asleep and wondered if he should leave his number. So he quickly scribbled it on a notepad on the desk and left it on the pillow by the man, hoping he would see it when he woke up.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Yuth woke up to violent knocking at the door. He got up in a hurry, unknowingly knocking the paper on the floor under the bed.

He opened the door to find Chatri, leaning against the door frame like he didn't just cause Yuth a splitting headache. "Morning, princess. It's time to go. You have a meeting at 10 and you need to checkout."

Yuth rubbed his eyes, but it didn't get rid of the aches behind them. "Fuck you. What meeting? Its Sunday."

"With your godfather." Yuth slapped his forehead. He completely forgot. "Hurry up." Chatri clapped his hands together, rushing his friend.

Yuth began getting dressed, but realized that the boy was gone. "When did he leave?" He looked around but none of Moon's things were left behind.

"Huh?" Chatri poked his head back in the door.

"Nothing." Maybe the boy didn't like him as much as he thought. Typical. It only happened once before. People always had feelings for Yuth, and he never liked them. But if he did, they never stayed by him. He thought he had a cursed heart or cruel fate.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Moon reached his brother's apartment, all cleaned up and in a baseball cap as usual. "You're late."

"Oi Sun! Only by 5 minutes." Kas defended his friend.

"You should always be 15 minutes early to any appointment." Sun was always so mature and acted like a father figure since their own father passed away years before.

"We were late for good reason!" Moon whipped out a bag from behind his back. "We had to get food." He smiled, waving it in front of his brother's face.

"Whatever, come in." Sun grabbed the bag and brought it to the coffee table inside. He went to the kitchen and grabbed utensils for them. "So where did you go last night?"

The boys looked at each other, not wanting to say all of what they did. Moon and Kas had no idea where the other took off to the night before. So Moon kept it simple. "Just to a few clubs."

"Have you decided if you'll move in with me next year?" Moon had completely forgot. After he graduated college he planned to move to Bangkok like his brother.

"I don't want to intrude on you and your boyfriend. I'll just save up to find a place for myself." He sat down with Kas at the coffee table, treading lightly as he sat. His bottom was sensitive and he didn't want to make a scene.

"What about with Kas?"

"He's moving in with his sisters." Moon adjusted himself as he sat, trying to get comfortable. "I can live on my own, ya know. I'm not a kid anymore."

"I know. I'm just worried. You've never lived alone. How would you know if you like it?"

"Then I'll find a companion like you and I won't be lonely anymore." Moon was kidding with his brother, but it wasn't such a bad idea. His mind wondered to the man he spent the night with. It was still early, so he didn't expect a text back, but he patiently waited.

"No rushing things like that. Things will happen in their own time." Moon hoped his brother was right. He hoped to be happy in the future.

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Yuth waited in his godfather's office, lounging on a small couch. The company was his father's until he and their mother passed away. Yuth was in high school then, and his sister had just started college. Their parents never got to see him graduate high school, him or his sister graduate college, or even the birth of his nephew, Rune.

Yuth and his sister were robbed of those happy memories when some drunk bastard ran into them with his truck. Chimlin, Yuth's sister always blamed herself because they were walking to visit her dorm when they were hit.

Just being in his father's old office brought back so many memories. They loved his godfather, Somchair, who took care of them, and took over the company. He was like their second father since they were little. It just wasn't the same without their parents, but it was their new normal.

Yuth looked out the window at the busy street when his godfather walked in. "Yuth, my boy." He waved his hand lazily as he went to sit in his large rolling chair behind his desk.


"How are you liking the new office?" Somchair had gifted Yuth a new office so that he could feel more independent and have more help within the company.

"It's nice. Is that what you wanted to talk about?"

"No. I needed to talk to you about your sister."

"What about her?"

"Chimlin needs a break. She's been working too hard lately. Rune is still young, and I think as a mother she should spend quality time with him."

"What's that have to do with me?"

"I want you to take over some small tasks, like the ones that involve traveling. In return, you can take mini vacations while you're traveling." Somchair's proposal wasn't bad sounding to Yuth.

"Sounds good to me."

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