Chapter Eighteen: Belonging

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Yuth's eyes slowly opened later that morning. He had woken up to the smell of food. Looking at his clock, he realized that he slept longer than usual. Probably because of how comfortable he was.

He got ready for the day and headed to the kitchen to find Moon making coffee from a pot that hadn't been used since his sister was alive. Rune was eating already at the table and two more bowls were set in place. When Yuth realized what it was he grew excited.

"Yuth! Look! Moon made jok and it tastes just like mom used to make it." The child's eyes gleamed with joy as he ate his breakfast.

Moon smiled nervously, happy that Rune loved the food, but worried it would upset Yuth. He didn't know anything about the Bunchuai family except that Yuth's parents and sister were gone. He didn't know if the food would bring painful memories.

However, his mind changed when he saw Yuth gulping down the dish, barely chewing. He sat next to Yuth and started eating, too. Moon rarely had breakfast because he slept in all the time, but maybe he was energized from cuddling Yuth.

Yuth didn't know that Moon was awake when he reached to touch his face. The boy felt relieved after he let him cuddle, because Yuth had pulled his hand away.

Maybe he was scared.

Scared to be with an employee? Scared to be with another guy? Scared to make a serious move on him? He wasn't sure. He wanted to know everything about Yuth, and he was determined to stay by his side.

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That Saturday Moon kept Rune preoccupied as Yuth was in his office on his computer.

His eyes were strained by the afternoon, and he took a break to breath in the fresh air. Once he opened his window a tiny bit, he could hear Moon and Rune laughing. They were outside in the yard, playing football (aka soccer).

He didn't know when the last time he played was. Their huge smiles were contagious, and Yuth found a smile creeping up on himself.

Rune had taken to Moon quite quickly, and vice versa. Yuth felt guilty for not spending more time with his nephew, but that feeling washed away as he saw how happy Moon made him.

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Moon and Rune were panting hard as they rushed into the kitchen for glasses of water. Moon handed Rune a glass, then made one for himself.

The child gulped loudly, smacking his lips when he was finished. "Moon, I'm hungry. Can you cook for me again?"

"Well let's see." He looked in the fridge, but there wasn't much left after he made them all breakfast and lunch. "Mmmm. How about you tell me what you want and we can order it?"

"I want chicken pad Thai, and banana roti."

"Let's go out, then." Moon and Rune turned to see Yuth coming from the hallway. "I need to take a break anyway."

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Rune was in between them as they strolled down a busy street with many vendors. Eventually they found the pad Thai he wanted and sat at a picnic table to eat.

"Moon, who taught you how to cook?"

"My mother, of course." Moon liked when Rune asked questions, because it made him remember all of the good things. "Her booth was very popular. We knew every one of our customers by name because they always came back over and over again." Yuth smiled at the memories of the food Pink made.

"Can you teach me how to cook, too?"

"Of course." Moon ruffled the hair of the child sitting next to him playfully. "I'll ask for your help from now on."

Yuth smiled at the sight in front of him. Two of the people he adored the most were getting along. He just wanted them to both be happy. That would simply make him happy.

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Once they all finished their banana roti, they headed to a grocery store to restock food. Rune tried to take as much junk food as he could, but Yuth would only let him take half.

"If you have all of that in the house you'll want to eat it all at once." Yuth wasn't lying. Moon often did that, too. It was too tempting. Rune knew the way to his uncle's heart, the puppy dog eyes, and Moon sat his head on top of the child's, playing along. "Fine! But it better last the whole week."

Moon and Rune dumped the rest of the snacks into the cart. "Thank you, Yuth!" Rune went around and hugged his uncle, giving him a good squeeze.

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On their way home, Rune took a small nap in the backseat. Yuth stopped at Moon's apartment complex just as the sun had set. "Go pack."

The boy stared at Yuth, confused. He thought he was being dropped off. "What?"

"Pack a bag. You're staying with us until Sakda's trial is over." Moon was just planning on going to his brother's place, but quickly accepted Yuth's offer. How could he refuse his handsome boss?

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