Chapter Twenty-One: Meet My Brother

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Moon was woken up by his loud ringtone Sunday morning. "What the...?" He woke up questioning who in the world would call him at that time.

The screen read "Sun." Moon sat up quickly and answered. "Oi Sun, its early even for you."

"Where are you? How come I have to find out things from others instead of you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Nin told me what happened last night. That's it. You're moving in with me, we'll make space."

Moon didn't think Nin would tell his brother. He didn't want to tell Sun in fear of his brother freaking out. "Sun, I'm fine. I'm..." He looked at a naked and sleeping Yuth laying down next to him. " a friend's house."

"What friend? Kas? I'll be over in a minute."

"No! It's not him. It's a different friend. I'll just go meet you somewhere later."

"Who? I want to meet them."

"Mmmm...just a new friend. I'll text you around lunch." Moon had no idea what he was agreeing to, but he just wanted to get his brother off his back.

He hung up with Sun and laid back down. A hand reached over to his shoulder and pulled him to Yuth. The man was clearly not fully asleep. "What's wrong?" Yuth's eyes were closed, but he heard every word and wanted to see what Moon would do.

"My brother wants to meet you." He looked at Yuth nervously, embarrassed to make such a request.

Yuth rubbed Moon's arm. "Okay. We'll do lunch somewhere." He pulled the naked boy closer and their bodies intertwined under the comforter.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Moon sat next to Yuth at a café near their office. He knew Sun was going to basically interrogate Yuth, and he wasn't prepared. "My brother is...very particular."

"That's fine." Yuth sipped on coffee. "I don't mind." He had never met Sun back when Moon was in the hospital. He only knew of him from the way Pink spoke of him. A smart, responsible kid who has an old soul and would go to hell and back for his brother. Yuth was a bit worried, but he knew how to charm people.

Sun walked in and Moon instantly got the nervous shakes. He held his hands tightly together to cover them up. Getting up, he greeted his brother, with Yuth beside him doing the same.

"I've never met you before." Sun sat across from them and crossed his leg over the other, holding his hands in his lap. Moon recognized this as his "intimidating" tactic.

"Yes, I'm a new friend."

Friends don't kiss. Moon's thoughts clouded his mind, giving a small break from the nervousness.

"I'm Yuth. Yuthakon Bunchuai. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"The Yuthakon Bunchuai? Of Niran Corp?"

Yuth nodded softly and smiled. "Yes. That's me."

"Moon! How could you intrude on your boss' life like this?" Moon was a bit shocked. He almost thought Sun would be okay with it. Sun then turned to Yuth. "I'm so sorry, I'll get him out of your way soon."

Yuth leaned forward in his chair, realizing what he had just done. "No, it's fine, really. He's...a necessity in my household now." Yuth wasn't looking at Moon, but the boy could feel the impact of those words.


"Necessity?" Sun was confused, unaware of the newfound relationship going on.

"My nephew adores him, and he's a great cook for us. He's been a pleasure to be around. It's refreshing." Yuth sat back in his chair, oozing with confidence that Sun would eat it up.

"Really?" Sun looked at Moon questionably, but his little brother just smiled small, only letting them talk it over.

"Yes. I'd like to keep him with us if that's okay with you?"

"Well...I guess it wouldn't hurt." Moon was jumping with joy on the inside. Yuth had officially won his brother over. Nin must've not told Sun her thoughts on Yuth and Moon was grateful for that.

"I think that neighborhood isn't as safe as it used to be. It'd be safer if he were with me." Yuth knew how to please Sun with those words.

Sun gave Moon an "I told you so" look, causing the boy to smile nervously. "I told him that as soon as he moved in. Does he listen? No!" They both laughed as Moon rolled his eyes and sipped on his iced coffee.

"Thank you for being there for him. If it weren't for you..." Sun trailed off, but Moon and Yuth knew what he meant.

"Don't worry. He's safe now."

Sun and Yuth continued to converse about business while Moon ate his food. He felt like a child with no place at the adult table. But by the time Sun left, he adored Yuth, and that was the best outcome for Moon.

After brunch, Yuth and Moon went to pick up Rune from his acting class with goodies for his lunch. "How did I do," Yuth asked as Moon sat in the passenger seat.

"I don't think he's ever liked anyone the first time meeting them. You are the exception."

Yuth placed his hand on Moon's lap as Moon put his seatbelt on. "Good." He squeezed, causing the boy to take a deep breath. Even though he had felt Yuth's touch before, now it was different. The simple touches gave him a warm feeling that ran throughout his body, and he couldn't get enough.

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