Chapter 4 ~ fEeLiNg SaFe

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I grabbed all my shit and got out of the car trying not to think about the two exams I have to do. 

"WAIT! Y/n, can we get your number? You seem like a pretty chill person to hang with, lmao." Sebastian asks, nervously chuckle causing me to softly smile as I gave my number to him.

"Thanks for the ride, you guys. It means a lot and I'm sorry if it wrecked any of your plans or you know, was an inconvenience for you." 

And I truly was grateful for them, had they not given me a ride I probably wouldn't have made it today.

"It's no problem, don't be sorry. It was great meeting you, text Seb if you ever need anything." The one named Ryan calls out and I nod, giving them a small smile and wave as I walk to my exam room, Justin waving back to me.

The giddy feeling leaving my body as I walk to my death bed, worrying about how bad I'd fuck these mid-terms up.

                                                       Time Skip to 4 Hours Later
I just finished my second mid-term, this one on physics, my first one was on the calculus.

And holy shit was I tired, I mean, having both of my hardest exams back to back drained me.

I was looking for an Uber to call
(Idk how Uber works, sorry) when I see a group of guys taking photos on the grass field by the statues.

They looked familiar so I decided to walk up to them and see whether I know them or not.

Exhaustion filled me and I speed walked to them, the need to sit down greater than ever.

I sulked my shoulders, an overwhelming tiredness taking over my body, I reach them and take a good look and realize it's the group of boys from earlier today.

"What are you guys still doing here?" The question leaving my mouth before I could stop it and wait for them to realize I was here.

"Huh? Oh, Y/n!" Ryan exclaims, a smile on his face,

"Hey guys, shouldn't you be at your houses, it's pretty late?"

Oliver laughs as he replies, "Nah, we like going to places at night, it's peaceful." A thoughtful look on his face,

"Yeah, how'd your mid-terms go? You look tired, you wanna sit down?" Justin asks, the caring tone of his voice making me smile.

"Thank you, but I'm fine, you can remain seated, and to be honest, I have no fucking idea how they went. But I know one thing for sure and that is that those motherfuckers were tiring as fuck. I'm waiting for my Uber to get here so I can go home." I tell the boys,

"How longs your Uber gonna take cuh?" Darren questions and I pull my phone to check,

"Ah fuck, I didn't call one in, ugh. Lemme try to find one now."

I start checking for another Uber and Manager Ty tells me that they can give me another ride back home if I want.

"Oh no, it's okay, I don't wanna be bot-'You're not a bother, please get that and come with us, it'll be fun, please?" Justin pleads in a low voice so others can't hear.

"Why not, lets go you guys." My voice is followed by cheers by the boys and we all walk to their car joking and pile in, me back in Justins lap.

I give Manager Ty my address and the my lids start to get heavy and I close my eyes, my head finding its way to Justins shoulder on it's own, his body giving me a sense of security and safety I haven't felt in a long time.

Justins POV
I watch Y/n put her head on my shoulder as she closes her eyes, I'm guessing she was extremely tired considering how she melted into me and fell asleep.

"Bro, I'm hungry, can we get some Korean Barbecue?" Seb asks, looking around, Ryan, Oli, Darren and Kane pitch in with 'me toos' and 'let's go'.

Reggie was asleep so he would most likely be hungry when he woke up and Manager Ty speaks up, "Sure but I'm no-'MANAGER TY'S PAYING!'"(iykyk) They yell out before he could finish his sentence, earning a sigh from him.

"But we need to drop Y/n off and her apartment is in the other direction." I speak out after everyone settles down.

"Don't worry, she just finished two mid-terms and a shift at work, she's prolly hungry, so she'll understand." Oli replies.

"Okay, up to you I guess but can you guys quiet down a bit, I don't want her to wake up."

I state as I look down at her face on my shoulder, her mouth a little open and her breathe hitting my neck, sending chills down my body.

And I don't know what caused it but I felt like I had to protect her using my everything, to make sure she always felt safe.

We pull up to the Korean Barbecue place and I start to shake her awake while whispering her name.

Back to Y/n's POV
I don't know when I fell asleep but I was awoken by Justin's soft voice whispers my name and him lightly shaking my shoulders,

"Hey Y/n wake up, we're here." He whispers one last time.

my eyes opening and I nuzzle my head into his neck, the bright lights from outside the car hurting my eyes, he laughs and his laugh vibrates through my whole body causing me to lift my head and look at him then around us.

We weren't at my apartment building, but at a Korean Barbecue restaurant?

I get off Justins lap, and get out the car before walking up to Reggie asking him why we were here and he thinks for a second.

Then he stares at me dead in the eyes, scaring me a bit, and says "I have no fucking idea bruh, I fell asleep."

I laugh and tell him the same happened to me, but I guess the boys were just hungry so they came here.

I follow them inside, holding Justins sleeve so I don't get lost.

Save Me But Don't Hurt Yourself. Justin Phan x Y/n fanfiction.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ