Chapter 9 ~ TeArS

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Justins POV
Her laugh gave me butterflies but I ignored them and got into bed, she comes out of the washroom after changing into my clothes and holy shit she looked hot. She also looked extremely tired tho so I opened the blankets and she wished me goodnight,

"Goodnight and sweet dreams, Y/n." I stare down at her face, looking peaceful, her eyes closed, "Sweet dreams" she whispers back to me. My heart going crazy as she put her head in the crook of my neck.


I wake up feeling something heavy on my arm, and I flutter my eyes trying to get the sleep out of them. I turn my head and Y/ns head on my arm, the peaceful look still on her face. I sigh then smile to myself right when Y/n flutters her eyes open and sees that her heads on my arm and thats shes snugged up against me, not that I minded. She sits up looking around confused and turns her head in my direction tilting it to the right trying to remember last night I guess.

"Morning Y/n, how'd you sleep?" My morning voice deep and raspy, she gasps earning a chuckle from me, realizing she just gasped, her head digs into the pillow the comforter now over her, hiding her from me. I grab the comforter and pull it off and pry her arms off her face, full on laughing at her actions now.

"Don't *gasping for air* worry * gasping for air* I know *laughing my ass off* I have a h-*more gasps for air*-ot morning voice." She hits me with a pillow while laughing herself. She sees my arm and gasps.

I look down and sees marks all over his arm and realize that my head did that since it was on his arm all night. "I'm so fucking sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you, ugh shit, I'm sorry." See bitch, I told you, you can't do anything right, you only know how to fuck up and make others lives shittier.

"Yo, yo, yo, don't worry, I'm fine, this is nothing you need to apologize for. Okay? I'm not mad or anything, you're fine. How'd you sleep though?" His words felt comforting and I nodded, "I slept better than I have in a while to be frank with you." I reply to his last question giggling oddly incredibly happy. He tells me he's glad to hear that at the same moment, I think the one named Seb bursts the door open,

"Please tell me you're not doing the dirty so I can open my eyes and come in." "WE'RE NOT!" We yell in unison, embarrassment filling me. "I'd rather fuck ur mom." I say laughing at the look of shock left on Justins face from my statement. "Okay, so, meeting in 10 and we're filming today so get your asses ready."

"Me too?" I ask. "Oh yea Manager Ty asked if you wanted to be apart of a video?" Justin surprises me by answering for me, "She does. We'll get ready." I stare up at him, a questioning look on my face, "What I wanna hang out with you longer. Stop judging me." I flip him off, "I wasn't judging asshole. Get over yourself." Then I stand up and grab my clothes from yesterday heading to the washroom to change. I wash my face and come out popping some gum in my to get rid of my morning breathe since I don't have a tooth brush.

I grab all my shit and go downstairs greeted by the others, "Morning guys, how are y'all?", they all reply with either great or tired as fuck causing me to laugh at the duality of their answers. Justin comes down and gives me a weird look, I'm guessing it was at the way I was dressed, making me self conscious, I wrap my arms around my torso and let my curls fall in front of my face. Too ugly for him. Like anyone will ever want you. You're a joke.

Reggie's POV ( surprising ikr)
I look over to see Justin coming downstairs and his face changes into a weird expression the minute he sees Y/n and I'm guessing she noticed cause she wraps her arms around her and lets her hair cover her face. I felt bad, I don't know what it was but something about Y/n made me feel like I had to protect her, more of in a sibling manner.

I walk up to her and sit down beside her, "Cuh, you good?" She looks up and gives me a small nod, like I was gonna believe that, "Talk to me, what's wrong? I can tell you're not okay, so don't lie." She takes in a deep breathe and replies, "Nothing, you're tripping." Then she gets up and walks away. Probably thinking I couldn't see the tears rolling down her face.

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