Chapter 24 ~ FuCk My LiFe

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The past week has been shitty, I've barely been sleeping, haven't eaten anything either.

Lowkey the only thing that has me going is the 5 espresso shots I down every morning.

I left Justin's place the morning after we watched Kung Fu Panda cause schools starting again.

Its been a week since I started going back and all my classes have gotten 10 times harder, I'm literally dying right now.

I sent my mom $1500 and my phones not working properly and everything's jus fucking up.

Justin's been texting everyday but I've been so busy that I've only had the chance to reply to him once.

And I feel like an asshole cause of it.

I get off the bus and start walking towards my apartment, finally reaching home.

Opening the door, I turn on the lights only to be met with emptiness.

Nathan had to go back to his hometown for his cousins wedding, and he wanted me to come but I have school.🙄

That lucky bitch doesn't start for another 2 weeks.

After taking my shoes off I head to the kitchen to take some Tylenol for my pounding head.

Out of nowhere my phone rings and I jump backwards startled asf, which causes me to drop my glass of water, slip on it, and cut my hand on some broken glass.


I grab my phone and answer without looking at who it was.

"Hello?" My voice sounded strained asf, so you know what, fuck my life.

"Hey, Y/n? You okay?"

"Justin? Oh, um, yea. I'm good, I'm good. Why'd you, uhh, call?"

"Cause I've been texting you all morning and you haven't replied, not even to my messages of the past couple of days. I was worried and wanted to make sure you were doing okay."

"Omg, Im so sorry. I'm okay, I promise, Ive just been so busy, with school and work and everything, that I Haven't had the time, I promise I saw them and wanted to reply but it's like every single time something came up."

"Are you eating?"

The question caught me by surprise and I swayed, almost falling causing me to grab onto the kitchen counter.

"FUCK! Shit! That hurts! Fuck!"

"Y/n?! Are you okay? What's wrong? Hey I'm facetiming you, answer me."

I answer and then immediately regret it considering I look like I was 5 seconds away from dying.

My eye bags were dark and big.

My face look slimmer.

My hair was in a messy bun.

The sweatshirt I was wearing was falling off my shoulders.

"Y/n," he breathes out, "What happened?"

"Nothing, I jus got back from school and I was up late last night, which explains these," I say pointing to my dark circles, clothes and messy hair.

"And I was drinking water when you called which startled me and caused me to drop the glass and water spilled everywhere and then I slipped and my hand got cut on broken glass."

"Oh, shit, okay, I'm so sorry, but how about you try and your hand cleaned. You still haven't told me if you've eaten or not."

I decided to lie.

"Yea I had some toast this morning."

"Well let's get your hand cleaned and then we can eat something together."

I nod and grab my phone from the counter before heading to the washroom.

I balance my phone against the wall and put the first aid kit in the counter.

"Does it hurt bad?"

"Nah it's fine really, I've cut myself worse."

He nods before staring back at his laptop and working, I guess.

After a couple of minutes I finished wrapping my hand up and put everything away.

"What do you wanna eat?"

"Umm, anything works, to be honest, lemme check what I have at home."

I walk back towards the kitchen and clean up the glass before checking to see what I could make to eat.

I spot the oatmeal in the back and count the calories it all would give me, which is a lot but Justin would accept it and it's healthy so it's okay.

"I think, I'm gonna have some oatmeal, what about you?"

"Imma make a sandwich."

We both place our phones down and start making the food when all of a sudden I get all dizzy.

I'm guessing it's the lack of food.

Taking a deep breath I start again, wiping the sweat off my burning forehead with my sleeve.

I was completely oblivious to the fact that Justin was watching my every move, noticing how hard everything was for me to do.

Save Me But Don't Hurt Yourself. Justin Phan x Y/n fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now