Chapter 11 ~ TeD tAlK

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I hum in response before getting on my phone, and I felt eyes on me so I looked up to see Darren giving me a look.

Chapter 11 Y/n POV
Darren was looking at me in a weird way, I guess sort of like he's confused but also thinking deeply at the same time (iykyk). "Darren you good?" I ask cause curiosity kills the cat. "Huh? Yah, but uhhhh, how does your stomach and legs hurting have anything to do with you peeing blood?" I laugh at his question, "Okay, first of all, I'm not gonna get into the topic deeply, cuz I ain't no doctor, but when we get our periods, we get cramps and all y'know all the other shit, right?" "Um, what other shit?" Oliver asks (Ik Oli would most likely be the most educated on periods but play along).

"Oh okay, so it varies from person to person. Holy shit, I feel like I'm giving a ted talk, anyways, as I said it varies from person to person, so for me, whenever I get mine, I usually have a fever or shivers, really bad stomach and leg cramps, and the worst mood swings possible. But in general you can have migraines, body aches -OH and I also get nauseous, um body aches, muscle aches, and more shit I get, and there are other things that aren't coming to mind right now, but there also can be shit that someone's gets on their period that others don't. All bodies are different as known." I look around to see all the boys were paying attention to my words.

"What helps you overcome the stuff that you go through?" I thought for a second before answering, "Mainly, I take a shit load of painkillers, cranberry juice and dark chocolate for cramps and lemonade, also a heat-pad. I guess for mood swings you can't do anything but just get used to them. And nausea meds for my nausea."

"What nausea?" Darren asks confused. "Bruh you really are stupid cuh, it's vomiting dumb fuck." Justin replies from the door. I look his way and he smiles at me. "I hope the boys aren't being their normal annoying asses and bothering you." I laugh, "Nope, surprisingly they're pretty good listeners when it comes to me teaching them about periods." Justin looks around before replying to me saying, "Cuz all their dumbasses tryna get girlfriends, especially Darren."

"DAYUMMMMM! You gon take that Darren?" Ryan asks. "Bitch, whatcha tryna say? Not like your ugly ass gon get a girlfriend. Stay single forever motherfucka." Darren stands up in the middle of his little statement, trying to act big, causing me to laugh. "DAYUMMMMMM! You gon take that Justin?" Ryan asks, and honestly Ryan being a commentator of their little arguments makes them so much more funny. "Big bones so meaty, oh, big bones so damn mea-oh shit that's for Kane!" In the end all of us were laughing our asses off.

"Anyways, Y/n,  you go through this every month?" Ryan questions.

"Mhm, most females do, I usually get mood-swings a week before and cramps 3 days before, that's sort of what tells me I'm getting my period. And sometimes cramps stay for another week after your period is over. Depends from person to person."  I truly felt like a professor right now. "How long yo thing last tho?" Reggies voice scares me, making me jump.

"Holy shit you asshat! Um around 5 days to 7 days for me. But like I said varies from person to person." Everyone nods. "Anyways, here I brought some shit I thought you'd need." Justin hands me a bag. I thank him the go upstairs to his room, him following me, "Hey, um, I didn't know which ones you'd need to I got over-night pads, normal ones, and tampons."

"Actually? Thank you. I use overnight for the first couple for days cuz the first couple of days the flow is pretty heavy and then I use normal ones. And I only use tampons if necessary." He nods along, cuz I don't think he understood a single thing I said. I head to the washroom and take my make shift pad out replacing it which an over-night one, after washing my hands I go back into the bedroom and empty out the bag.

It had some more dark chocolate, cranberry juice, a heat-pad, some nausea pills, and some lemonade. "I didn't know what you would need so I googled it and yea, brought some of the main stuff. If you need something else please tell me." I smiled warmly at him.

"No, all of this is perfect, thank you. I'm sorry you had to go all the way to the store for me tho."  He told me it was fine and then said he forgot something and would be back, sprinting out of the room before I could say something. A couple of minutes later he comes back carrying an even bigger bag, "I also got you this." He hands me the bag and I peak inside before pulling out a huge ass stuffed panda, it was lowkey the size of my upper body.

"OMG I LOVE IT! IT'S SO CUTEEEEEEE! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOUUUUUU!!!!!!" I squeal hugging the panda causing Justin to laugh. "I'm glad you like it, I saw you eyeing the bear Seb was holding this morning so yea." I walk up to him and hug him before laying down in bed, my little tantrum leaving me tired.  I yawn and cuddle with the bear, "I'm tired." I say in a soft child voice, "Yea, today's been a long day for you, how about you change into something a bit more comfortable before you nap, huh?" (OKAY BUT JUST IMAGINING JUSTIN LIKE THIS NEVJIRBVUBRVJDBKJS) "Okie," I get up and change.

How do you like the book so far?
Any suggestions for what I should add in the book? Or like maybe idk jus some shit you'd want to read in this story?
How are you?
Have you eaten today?
If not jus have a small bite for me and drink some water.  Maybe eat a small snack, ik how hard it can get.
Also how'd you sleep?

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